The OpenvCloud provider is used for interacting with the cloud platform in order to create the desired resources. The provider needs to be configured with credentials.
Tutorial for OVC Provider is available here.
To build, make sure the project is in your GOPATH and run the following command:
mkdir -p ~/.terraform.d/plugins
cd /tmp
git clone
cd terraform-provider-ovc
make build # This uses go modules and requires go>1.11, if lower install the repo into $GOPATH and run go build
mv terraform-provider-ovc ~/.terraform.d/plugins
Put the binary in your plugins folder of terraform. For more information:
Examples of the provider can be found in the examples folder.
More detailed documentation on the provided resource can be found under docs/
More detailed documentation on the provided data source can be found under docs/
Authentication is done with an client ID and client secret pair, or with a JWT.
To configure the ovc provider to authenticate you need to configure the following arguments:
- server_url - (Required) The server url of the ovc api to connect to
- client_id - (Required) The client_id of the itsyouonline user
- client_secret - (Required) The client_secret of the itsyouonline user
It is advisable to set these arguments as environment variables:
export TF_VAR_server_url="https://your-g8"
export TF_VAR_client_id="your-client-id"
export TF_VAR_client_secret="your-client-secret"
This way the arguments must not be included in your terraform.tfvars
configuration file.
An example can be found under examples/client-id-secret
The following command is an example how to get a JWT using the curl
Providing scope=offline_access
will return a JWT that is refreshable.
TF_VAR_client_jwt=$(curl --silent -d 'grant_type=client_credentials&client_id='"$CLIENT_ID"'&client_secret='"$CLIENT_SECRET"'&response_type=id_token&scope=offline_access'
echo $TF_VAR_client_jwt
By configuration the following parameters you will configure the ovc provider to authenticate with the JWT.
- server_url - (Required) The server url of the ovc api to connect to
- client_jwt - (Required) the JWT that is tied to your client_id and client_secret
An example can be found under examples/client-jwt