A much easier to read server config for Palworld Dedicated Servers
Place this file in ~/.steam/SteamApps/common/PalServer/Pal/Saved/Config/LinuxServer and replace the file currently there.
How to set up a dedicated server on Linux for PalWorld
- Create a user with a home directory named palworldserver, add a SECURE password to this account
- useradd -m palworldserver
- sudo passwd palwordserver
- Switch to palworldserver
- su - palwordserver
- Run the following commands in /home/palworldserver
- steamcmd +login anonymous +app_update 2394010 validate +quit
- Change to the server directory
- cd ~/.steam/SteamApps/common/PalServer
- Start your server with ./PalServer.sh
Once your server has been ran once, you can shut it down and configure your options:
- Stop your server
- Refresh your server directory
- cd to /Pal/Saved/Config/LinuxServer and either edit or replace PalWorldSettings.ini (If this directory doesnt exist, you need to run your server at least once)
.steam/sdk64/steamclient.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
- mkdir -p ~/.steam/sdk64/
- steamcmd +login anonymous +app_update 1007 +quit
- cd ~/.steam/SteamApps/common/'Steamworks SDK Redist'/linux64/ (This is how it formatted the directory on my linux, it may look different for you. It is in the common directory tho, you will see it)
- cp steamclient.so ~/.steam/sdk64 (You NEED to use the one from the linux64 folder, if you dont you will get a different error I will list below.)
- Start your server
/home/palworldserver/.steam/sdk64/steamclient.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32
- Please refer to the first error, step 4.
Admin Commands -
- In game, press enter and type /adminpassword PASSWORD in the chat box. This will give you admin.
RCON Access:
- Edit the PalServerSettings.ini file, and locate these two lines:
- RCONEnabled=False, RCONPort=25575
- Change False to True, and set the port to whatever port you want to use for RCON (Make sure to open this port through port forwarding!)
- Nodecraft developed a RCON console here: https://adminpal.gg/
Memory Checker Service -
- Im lazy and dont want to write a full install thing, so only mess with this if you know what youre doin. Put the service and the timer where they need to go, and put the check_memory.sh in your server root. You can run check_memory.sh manuall without using the service/timer. The timer is set to restart the server every 3 hours currently, if you open the timer with nano or another editor you can just change the 3 to whatever number suits you.