Table of Contents
is a program for running an exploit on many opponent teams in parallel,
collecting flags and sumbitting them to a jury checker.
$ farm-hs --help Helper program for Attack-Defence CTF competitions Usage: farm-hs PROGRAM [[ARG1 [ARG2 ...]]] (-t|--targets FILE) (-s|--submit COMMAND) [-j|--jobs N] (-r|--flagre REGEX) [-c|--nocolor] Run an exploit on list of target hosts Available options: PROGRAM Exploit program [ARG1 [ARG2 ...]] Arguments for exploit PROGRAM -t,--targets FILE File containing list of target IP addresses -s,--submit COMMAND Shell command to submit flags. This command will get flag in `flag` environment variable. E.g. `echo $flag` -j,--jobs N Number of parallel running exploit jobs -r,--flagre REGEX POSIX regex for flag -c,--nocolor Disable colors in output -h,--help Show this help text
can also generate bash completion for itself. Feeding it into your bash
is straightforward:
source <(farm-hs --bash-completion-script `which farm-hs`)
You can add this line directly into your .bashrc
If you don’t want to bother yourself building farm-hs
from source check out
the releases page. It contains
prebuilt static binaries for x86 and x86-64.
can be built and installed either in ~/.cabal/bin
cabal build cabal install
or in ~/.local/bin
using stack
stack setup stack build stack install