- Overview
- Get Started
- MVP Features
- Video Walkthrough of MVP
- Relevant Links
- Code Snippet
- Project Screenshots
- Tech and Frameworks Used
- Future Features
- Contributors
- The ideal user for Stay Gold, Cowboy is a fan of Sonatore
- Fans can sign in with Google authentication and upload their favorite image URLs of Sonatore's art
- Fans can organize the artwork by tags
- Clone Stay Gold, Cowboy to your local machine
[email protected]:AngieMGonzalez/staygoldcowboy-server.git
- Move into the directory
cd staygoldcowboy-server
- *Optional run
pip install pyenv
- Install Python 3.9.16
- Install pipenv
pip install pipenv
- Start your virtual environment
pipenv shell
- Run the Server by starting the debugger or running
python3 manage.py runserver
- Setup and run the Stay Gold, Cowboy Client for this project to run on local machine.
- Fans of Sonatore sign in with Firebase Google authentication
- Fans can browse all the art and all the tags
- Fans can create, read, update and delete art and tags
- Fans can create read update and delete their own snippet ideas
- Art has information regarding creation date, tags, and image url
- Fans can filter art by tags
- https://www.loom.com/share/c0f3bf90f50745d586bc2de0fa3b7ca2?sid=aca90b99-db81-4120-8330-390c45d06ba6
- Assumption: Art can have many tags, and tags can be associated with many pieces of art.
Create an Art Obj
class ArtView(ViewSet):
"""SGC Art view viewsets"""
def create(self, request):
"""Handle POST operations
Response -- JSON serialized art instance
data = request.data
fan = Fan.objects.get(uid=request.META['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'])
tag_ids = data["tagId"]
new_art = Art.objects.create(
for tag_id in tag_ids:
tag = Tag.objects.get(pk=tag_id)
serializer = ArtSerializer(new_art)
return Response(serializer.data, status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
- fans will be able to search through any description word or tag of on the art piece
- fans will be able to filter art by camera types used as well
- fans will be able to upload image files (JPG, IMG, PNG)
- A.J. Gonzalez
- Badges from Alexandre Sanlim and Profilinator
- Client-Side React/Next.js Django Auth template from Nashville Software School
- Thank you C62