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2b23182 · Sep 6, 2020


79 Commits
Jul 13, 2019
Nov 12, 2018
Nov 30, 2018
Oct 18, 2018
Apr 10, 2018
Apr 10, 2018
Nov 12, 2018
Oct 10, 2018
Nov 12, 2018
Oct 18, 2018
Oct 18, 2018
Oct 17, 2018
Sep 6, 2020
Jul 13, 2019
Oct 23, 2018
Sep 6, 2020

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zeroth-js is a browser-based JavaScript client library for Zeroth Cloud.

Zeroth Documentation | Landing page | Dashboard

⚠️ current zeroth-js is beta version! There's can be bugs and issues ⚠️

  • ZerothBase
    • Just help you to connect with Zeroth.
    • You should implement functions such as recording stuffs, sending file stuffs.
    • But You can customize yourself.
  • ZerothMic

    • It's extend of ZerothBase with microphone recording function.
    • You can use real-time STT easily.
  • ZerothFile(Working in progress)

    • It's extend of ZerothBase with sending file function.
    • You can transcribed text via sending audio file to zeroth.



npm install goodatlas/zeroth-js

Using this method, you can import zeroth-js like:


import { ZerothBase } from 'zeroth-js';
// or
import { ZerothMic } from 'zeroth-js';
// or
import { ZerothFile } from 'zeroth-js';

ES5 - CommonJS

var ZerothBase = require('zeroth-js').ZerothBase;
// or
var ZerothMic = require('zeroth-js').ZerothMic;
// or
var ZerothFile = require('zeroth-js').ZerothFile;


Include the js file directly in your web app using a <script> tag.

<script src="https://somecdn/zeroth.min.js"></script>

ES5 - UMD Build

var ZerothBase = Zeroth.ZerothBase;
// or
var ZerothMic = Zeroth.ZerothMic;
// or
var ZerothFile = Zeroth.ZerothFile;

Get Access Token

There's two way to get access token in zeroth-js.

Using with Server (Secure way, Recommended)

You should add one API endpoint in your server to get accessToken.
Please check this REST API document.

Create GET endpoint named /get-token (whatever you want) in your server. This endpoint will return response of our this REST API.


If you are using node.js, express and axios , Your code will look like below.

const express = require('express');
const axios = require('axios');
const app = express();app.get('/get-token', function (req, res) {
  const url = '';
  const opt = {
    headers: {
        Authorization : `$YOUR_APP_ID:$YOUR_APP_SECRET`
  axios.get(url, opt)
    .then(({ data }) => res.send(data['access_token']))
    // Your error handler here

!important you have to replace $YOUR_APP_ID and $YOUR_APP_SECRETwith yours from Zeroth Console (​). You will have to create new application

That's all what you need in server side.

Using without Server (Less secure but simple way)

zeroth-js will issue accessToken based on your appId, appSecret in parameter.


Using with server (Link)

const params = {
language: 'kor', // Required. You can choose 'eng' for English or 'kor' for Korean
accessToken: '$YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN', // Required. You should get access token from your sever
finalOnly: false, // Optional(Default: false) If this is 'true', you will get only final results.
ws: false, // Optional(Default: false) We are using WebSocket Secure (wss). If this is true, we will use 'ws' instead of 'wss'
debug: true // Optional(Default: false) If this is 'true', you will get all logs from Zeroth.

Using without server (Link)

const params = {
language: 'kor', // Required. You can choose 'eng' for English or 'kor' for Korean
appId: '$YOUR_APP_ID', // Required. You can get your appId with create new application in zeroth-console
appSecret: '$YOUR_APP_SECRET', // Required. You can get your appSecret with create new application in zeroth-console
finalOnly: false, // Optional(Default: false) If this is 'true', you will get only final results.
ws: false, // Optional(Default: false) We are using WebSocket Secure (wss). If this is true, we will use 'ws' instead of 'wss'
debug: true // Optional(Default: false) If this is 'true', you will get all logs from Zeroth.



Just help you to connect with Zeroth.
You should implement functions such as recording stuffs, sending file stuffs.
But You can customize yourself.


const params = {
  // appId, appSecret or accessToken
  language: 'kor', // required. you can choose 'eng' for English or 'kor' for Korean
  finalOnly: false, // optional(default: false) if this is 'true', You will get only final results.
  ws: false, // optional(default: false) we are using websocket secure (wss). if this is true, we will use 'ws' instead of 'wss'
  debug: true // optional(default: false) if this is 'true', You will get all logs from zeroth.

zeroth = new ZerothBase(params);

// initialize Zeroth

zeroth.onconnect = () => {
  // connected to zeroth
  // start audio recording or prepare to send audio file

zeroth.ondata = data => {
  // transcript in JSON

zeroth.ondisconnect = () => {
  // disconnected from zeroth

zeroth.onerror = error => {
  // error from zeroth

// send binary audio data

// disconnect (always call this after sending complete audio data)


It's extend of ZerothBase with microphone recording function.
You can use real-time STT easily.

It support browser which support getUserMedia, AudioContext, OfflineAudioContext. You can check caniuse here.


const params = {
  // appId, appSecret or accessToken
  language: 'kor', // required. you can choose 'eng' for English or 'kor' for Korean
  finalOnly: false, // optional(default: false) if this is 'true', You will get only final results.
  ws: false, // optional(default: false) we are using websocket secure (wss). if this is true, we will use 'ws' instead of 'wss'
  debug: true // optional(default: false) if this is 'true', You will get all logs from zeroth.

zeroth = new ZerothMic(params);

  .start() // try to start recording
  .then(() => {
    console.log('Successfully initialized recording');
    // what you want to do after initialize recording
  .catch(() => {
    console.log("Your browser doesn't support recording");
    // what you want to do after failed to initialize recording

zeroth.onconnect = () => {
  // connected to zeroth

zeroth.ondata = data => {
  // transcript in JSON

zeroth.ondisconnect = () => {
  // disconnected from zeroth

zeroth.onerror = error => {
  // error from zeroth

// stop recording (it will stop recording and call zeroth.disconnect() )

Are you working in none https enviroment?

ZerothMic using getUserMedia() to use microphone. And, getUserMedia() is works on only https enviroment (and localhost).

Did you get audio permission asking popup at every .start()?

Same with above, getUserMedia() is works on only https enviroment (and localhost). and In localhost, Your browser will ask for permission at every .start() function.
But don't be worry, In https, it shows only once.

ZerothFile (Working in progress)

It's extend of ZerothBase with sending file function.
You can transcribed text via sending audio file to zeroth.

You must send audio file. if you are using <input type="file"> tag, you can add accept="audio/*" attribute.

It support browser which support AudioContext, OfflineAudioContext. You can check caniuse here.


const params = {
    // appId, appSecret or accessToken
    language: 'kor', // required. you can choose 'eng' for English or 'kor' for Korean
    finalOnly: false, // optional(default: false) if this is 'true', you will get only final results.
    ws: false, // optional(default: false) we are using websocket secure (wss). if this is true, we will use 'ws' instead of 'wss'
    debug: true, // optional(default: false) if this is 'true', You will get all logs from zeroth.
    file: { YOUR FILE } // required. your file to send. (Javascript File Object)

// initialize zeroth and send file to zeroth
zeroth = new ZerothFile(params);

zeroth.ondata = data => {
  // transcript in JSON

zeroth.ondisconnect = () => {
  // disconnected from zeroth

zeroth.onerror = error => {
  // error from zeroth

// it disconnect automatically


Check out example folder for a sample web app to send audio file and audio record stream (using Web Audio APIs).



npm run build