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data and functions index


functions by package


I’ll sometimes recall that I used a particular data set or function in a tutorial but can’t remember which one. This index is meant to help us find at least one tutorial in which a function or data set is used.


item package tutorials class dimension title
airquality datasets line graph, strip plot data.frame 153x6 New York Air Quality Measurements
Alligator vcdExtra multiway data.frame 80x5 Alligator Food Choice
bank gclus parallel coordinate, scatterplot matrix data.frame 200x7 Swiss bank notes data
biopics fivethirtyeight misc data carpentry data.frame 761x14 ‘Straight Outta Compton’ Is The Rare Biopic Not About White Dudes
blood astsa line graph ts 91x3 Daily Blood Work
case1202 Sleuth2 scatterplot matrix data.frame 93x7 Sex discrimination in Employment
county_income graphclassmate dot plot data.frame 3220x4 Median income by US county in 2016
CPI correcting graphical lies
diamonds ggplot2 boxplot data.frame 53940x10 Prices of 50,000 round cut diamonds
economics ggplot2 correcting graphical lies, time series data data.frame 574x6 US economic time series
flights nycflights13 line graph data.frame 336776x19 Flights data
gapminder gapminder graph basics, working with factors data.frame 1704x6 Gapminder data.
hate crimes correcting graphical lies
infant_mortality graphclassmate dot plot data.frame 12120x6 Infant mortality in the US, 2007-2016
jj astsa line graph ts 84 Johnson and Johnson Quarterly Earnings Per Share
LakeHuron datasets time series data ts 98 Level of Lake Huron 1875-1972
lap astsa time series data ts 508x11 LA Pollution-Mortality Study
metro_pop graphclassmate multiway data.frame 60x3 Population in the NY metro area
midfielddegrees midfielddata carpentry with joins data.frame 97640x5 Graduation data for 98,000 undergraduates
midfieldstudents midfielddata carpentry with joins data.frame 97640x15 Demographic data for 98,000 undergraduates
museum_exhibits graphclassmate strip plot data.frame 588x2 Visit duration at museum exhibitions
Nightingale HistData line graph data.frame 24x10 Florence Nightingale’s data on deaths from various causes in the Crimean War
nontraditional graphclassmate boxplot, dot plot, working with factors data.frame 269057x5 Nontraditional and traditional undergraduates
OECD housing correcting graphical lies
oly12 VGAMdata scatterplot data.frame 10384x14 2012 Summer Olympics: Individuals Data
prodn astsa time series data ts 372 Monthly Federal Reserve Board Production Index
SpeedSki GDAdata boxplot, strip plot data.frame 91x10 World Speed Skiing Competition, Verbier 21st April, 2011
state.x77 datasets misc data carpentry, working with factors matrix 50x8 US State Facts and Figures
titanic socviz data.frame 4x4 A table of survival rates from the Titanic
ucb_admit graphclassmate multiway data.frame 12x4 Student admissions at UC Berkeley

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item package tutorials
.libPaths() base updating the R habitat
aes() ggplot2 graph basics
aggr() VIM misc data carpentry
all_equal() dplyr misc data carpentry, reshaping data
arrange() dplyr data studio
as.POSIXct() base time and dates
as_date() lubridate line graph, time and dates, time series data
attributes() base introducing factors
bind_rows() dplyr misc data carpentry
blocks_to_rowrecs() cdata reshaping data
build_frame() wrapr carpentry with joins, reshaping data
class() base introducing factors
complete() tidyr strip plot
complete.cases() stats dot plot, scatterplot
coord_flip() ggplot2 boxplot
count() dplyr carpentry with joins
cut() base misc data carpentry
data() utils data basics
date() lubridate working with factors
date_decimal() lubridate line graph, time and dates
decimal_date() lubridate time and dates
distinct() dplyr carpentry with joins, scatterplot
dmy() lubridate time and dates
download.file() utils correcting graphical lies, line graph
drop_na() tidyr reshaping data
everything() tidyselect dot plot
export() rio reshaping data
facet_grid() ggplot2 carpentry with joins, dot plot
facet_wrap() ggplot2 dot plot, graph basics, line graph
factor() base introducing factors, line graph
fct_drop() forcats working with factors
fct_recode() forcats working with factors
fct_reorder() forcats carpentry with joins, dot plot, working with factors
fct_rev() forcats working with factors
file.exists() base line graph
file.mtime() base line graph
filter() dplyr data studio, graph basics
geom_boxplot() ggplot2 boxplot
geom_jitter() ggplot2 dot plot, strip plot
geom_line() ggplot2 line graph, time series data
geom_point() ggplot2 graph basics, line graph
geom_segment() ggplot2 working with factors
geom_smooth() ggplot2 graph basics
geom_text() ggplot2 dot plot
geom_vline() ggplot2 correcting graphical lies
ggpairs() GGally scatterplot matrix
ggparcoord() GGally parallel coordinate
ggplot() ggplot2 graph basics
ggsave() ggplot2 graph basics
ggscatmat() GGally scatterplot matrix
glimpse() tibble graph basics
gpairs() gpairs scatterplot matrix
group_summarize() seplyr correcting graphical lies, dot plot, working with factors
guide_legend() ggplot2 boxplot, line graph
guides() ggplot2 boxplot, line graph
if_else() dplyr dot plot, line graph
image_annotate() magick dot plot
image_append() magick dot plot
image_blank() magick dot plot
image_border() magick dot plot
image_colorize() magick dot plot
image_contrast() magick dot plot
image_info() magick dot plot
image_modulate() magick dot plot
image_noise() magick dot plot
image_quantize() magick dot plot
image_read() magick dot plot
image_scale() magick dot plot
image_write magick dot plot
import() rio reshaping data
install.packages() base software studio, updating the R habitat
install_github() devtools software studio
IQR() stats boxplot
labs() ggplot2 graph basics
left_join() dplyr carpentry with joins, correcting graphical lies, dot plot
legend() base scatterplot matrix
levels() base introducing factors
ls() base interacting with R
ls.str() base interacting with R
make_date() lubridate line graph, time and dates
mdy() lubridate time and dates
mdy_hm() lubridate time and dates
month() lubridate correcting graphical lies
mutate() dplyr data studio, graph basics
names() base line graph
nlevels() base introducing factors
now() lubridate line graph
pairs() base scatterplot matrix
par() base scatterplot matrix
pivot_to_rowrecs() cdata dot plot, reshaping data
qchar_frame() wrapr misc data carpentry
quantile() base misc data carpentry
rcb() graphclassmate multiway
read.table() utils correcting graphical lies, data basics, line graph
read_csv() readr correcting graphical lies, data basics
read_excel() readxl data basics
readRDS() base strip plot
recode() dplyr dot plot
rename() dplyr carpentry with joins, correcting graphical lies, dot plot, strip plot, time series data
reorder() stats time series data
replace_na() tidyr working with factors
row.names() base reshaping data
rownames_to_column() tibble reshaping data
rowrecs_to_blocks() cdata reshaping data
sample_n() dplyr carpentry with joins
sapply() base scatterplot, working with factors
saveRDS() base strip plot
scagnostics() scagnostics parallel coordinate
scale_color_manual() ggplot2 strip plot
scale_fill_manual ggplot2 strip plot
scale_fill_manual() ggplot2 dot plot
scale_x_continuous() ggplot2 multiway
scale_x_date() ggplot2 line graph
scale_x_log10() ggplot2 graph basics
scatterplotMatrix() car scatterplot matrix
select() dplyr data studio
select(matches()) dplyr reshaping data
select_if() dplyr scatterplot
separate() tidyr reshaping data
seq() base install software, install software
sort() base introducing factors
str_c() stringr boxplot, carpentry with joins
str_remove_all() stringr carpentry with joins
str_replace() stringr reshaping data
str_starts() stringr carpentry with joins
str_sub() stringr carpentry with joins
summary() base graph basics
theme() ggplot2 dot plot, strip plot
theme_graphclass() graphclassmate graph basics
ts_df() tsbox time series data
typeof() base introducing factors
unclass() base introducing factors
ungroup() dplyr boxplot
unite() tidyr carpentry with joins
unloadNamespace() base misc data carpentry
unpivot_to_blocks() cdata line graph, reshaping data
update.packages() base updating the R habitat
update_packages() devtools updating the R habitat
weeks() lubridate line graph
year() lubridate correcting graphical lies, time series data
ymd() lubridate correcting graphical lies, time and dates
ymd_hm() lubridate time and dates
ymd_hms() lubridate time and dates

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functions by package

package item tutorials
base .libPaths() updating the R habitat
base as.POSIXct() time and dates
base attributes() introducing factors
base class() introducing factors
base cut() misc data carpentry
base factor() introducing factors, line graph
base file.exists() line graph
base file.mtime() line graph
base install.packages() software studio, updating the R habitat
base legend() scatterplot matrix
base levels() introducing factors
base ls() interacting with R
base ls.str() interacting with R
base names() line graph
base nlevels() introducing factors
base pairs() scatterplot matrix
base par() scatterplot matrix
base quantile() misc data carpentry
base readRDS() strip plot
base row.names() reshaping data
base sapply() scatterplot, working with factors
base saveRDS() strip plot
base seq() install software, install software
base sort() introducing factors
base summary() graph basics
base typeof() introducing factors
base unclass() introducing factors
base unloadNamespace() misc data carpentry
base update.packages() updating the R habitat
car scatterplotMatrix() scatterplot matrix
cdata blocks_to_rowrecs() reshaping data
cdata pivot_to_rowrecs() dot plot, reshaping data
cdata rowrecs_to_blocks() reshaping data
cdata unpivot_to_blocks() line graph, reshaping data
devtools install_github() software studio
devtools update_packages() updating the R habitat
dplyr all_equal() misc data carpentry, reshaping data
dplyr arrange() data studio
dplyr bind_rows() misc data carpentry
dplyr count() carpentry with joins
dplyr distinct() carpentry with joins, scatterplot
dplyr filter() data studio, graph basics
dplyr if_else() dot plot, line graph
dplyr left_join() carpentry with joins, correcting graphical lies, dot plot
dplyr mutate() data studio, graph basics
dplyr recode() dot plot
dplyr rename() carpentry with joins, correcting graphical lies, dot plot, strip plot, time series data
dplyr sample_n() carpentry with joins
dplyr select() data studio
dplyr select(matches()) reshaping data
dplyr select_if() scatterplot
dplyr ungroup() boxplot
forcats fct_drop() working with factors
forcats fct_recode() working with factors
forcats fct_reorder() carpentry with joins, dot plot, working with factors
forcats fct_rev() working with factors
GGally ggpairs() scatterplot matrix
GGally ggparcoord() parallel coordinate
GGally ggscatmat() scatterplot matrix
ggplot2 aes() graph basics
ggplot2 coord_flip() boxplot
ggplot2 facet_grid() carpentry with joins, dot plot
ggplot2 facet_wrap() dot plot, graph basics, line graph
ggplot2 geom_boxplot() boxplot
ggplot2 geom_jitter() dot plot, strip plot
ggplot2 geom_line() line graph, time series data
ggplot2 geom_point() graph basics, line graph
ggplot2 geom_segment() working with factors
ggplot2 geom_smooth() graph basics
ggplot2 geom_text() dot plot
ggplot2 geom_vline() correcting graphical lies
ggplot2 ggplot() graph basics
ggplot2 ggsave() graph basics
ggplot2 guide_legend() boxplot, line graph
ggplot2 guides() boxplot, line graph
ggplot2 labs() graph basics
ggplot2 scale_color_manual() strip plot
ggplot2 scale_fill_manual strip plot
ggplot2 scale_fill_manual() dot plot
ggplot2 scale_x_continuous() multiway
ggplot2 scale_x_date() line graph
ggplot2 scale_x_log10() graph basics
ggplot2 theme() dot plot, strip plot
gpairs gpairs() scatterplot matrix
graphclassmate rcb() multiway
graphclassmate theme_graphclass() graph basics
lubridate as_date() line graph, time and dates, time series data
lubridate date() working with factors
lubridate date_decimal() line graph, time and dates
lubridate decimal_date() time and dates
lubridate dmy() time and dates
lubridate make_date() line graph, time and dates
lubridate mdy() time and dates
lubridate mdy_hm() time and dates
lubridate month() correcting graphical lies
lubridate now() line graph
lubridate weeks() line graph
lubridate year() correcting graphical lies, time series data
lubridate ymd() correcting graphical lies, time and dates
lubridate ymd_hm() time and dates
lubridate ymd_hms() time and dates
magick image_annotate() dot plot
magick image_append() dot plot
magick image_blank() dot plot
magick image_border() dot plot
magick image_colorize() dot plot
magick image_contrast() dot plot
magick image_info() dot plot
magick image_modulate() dot plot
magick image_noise() dot plot
magick image_quantize() dot plot
magick image_read() dot plot
magick image_scale() dot plot
magick image_write dot plot
readr read_csv() correcting graphical lies, data basics
readxl read_excel() data basics
rio export() reshaping data
rio import() reshaping data
scagnostics scagnostics() parallel coordinate
seplyr group_summarize() correcting graphical lies, dot plot, working with factors
stats complete.cases() dot plot, scatterplot
stats IQR() boxplot
stats reorder() time series data
stringr str_c() boxplot, carpentry with joins
stringr str_remove_all() carpentry with joins
stringr str_replace() reshaping data
stringr str_starts() carpentry with joins
stringr str_sub() carpentry with joins
tibble glimpse() graph basics
tibble rownames_to_column() reshaping data
tidyr complete() strip plot
tidyr drop_na() reshaping data
tidyr replace_na() working with factors
tidyr separate() reshaping data
tidyr unite() carpentry with joins
tidyselect everything() dot plot
tsbox ts_df() time series data
utils data() data basics
utils download.file() correcting graphical lies, line graph
utils read.table() correcting graphical lies, data basics, line graph
VIM aggr() misc data carpentry
wrapr build_frame() carpentry with joins, reshaping data
wrapr qchar_frame() misc data carpentry

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Bryan J (2017) Gapminder: Data from gapminder.

Chan C-h and Leeper TJ (2018) Rio: A swiss-army knife for data i/o.

Emerson JW and Green WA (2014) Gpairs: The generalized pairs plot.

Fox J, Weisberg S and Price B (2018) Car: Companion to applied regression.

Friendly M (2017) VcdExtra: ’Vcd’ extensions and additions.

Friendly M (2018) HistData: Data sets from the history of statistics and data visualization.

Healy K (2019) Socviz: Utility functions and data sets for data visualization.

Henry L and Wickham H (2018) Tidyselect: Select from a set of strings.

Hurley C (2019) Gclus: Clustering graphics.

Kim AY, Ismay C and Chunn J (2018) Fivethirtyeight: Data and code behind the stories and interactives at ’fivethirtyeight’.

Layton R (2019) Graphclassmate: Companion materials for a course in data visualization.

Layton R, Long R and Ohland M (2018) Midfielddata: Student record data for 98,000 undergraduates.

Mount J (2019) Seplyr: Improved standard evaluation interfaces for common data manipulation tasks.

Mount J and Zumel N (2019a) Cdata: Fluid data transformations.

Mount J and Zumel N (2019b) Wrapr: Wrap r tools for debugging and parametric programming.

Müller K and Wickham H (2019) Tibble: Simple data frames.

Ooms J (2018) Magick: Advanced graphics and image-processing in r.

Ramsey FL, Schafer DW, Sifneos J and Turlach BA (2019) Sleuth2: Data sets from ramsey and schafer’s "statistical sleuth (2nd ed)".

Sax C (2019) Tsbox: Class-agnostic time series.

Schloerke B, Crowley J, Cook D, Briatte F, Marbach M, Thoen E, Elberg A and Larmarange J (2018) GGally: Extension to ’ggplot2’.

Spinu V, Grolemund G and Wickham H (2018) Lubridate: Make dealing with dates a little easier.

Stoffer D (2017) Astsa: Applied statistical time series analysis.

Templ M, Kowarik A, Alfons A and Prantner B (2019) VIM: Visualization and imputation of missing values.

Unwin A (2015) GDAdata: Datasets for the book graphical data analysis with r.

Wickham H (2018) Nycflights13: Flights that departed nyc in 2013.

Wickham H (2019a) Forcats: Tools for working with categorical variables (factors).

Wickham H (2019b) Stringr: Simple, consistent wrappers for common string operations.

Wickham H and Bryan J (2019) Readxl: Read excel files.

Wickham H, Chang W, Henry L, Pedersen TL, Takahashi K, Wilke C and Woo K (2019) Ggplot2: Create elegant data visualisations using the grammar of graphics.

Wickham H, François R, Henry L and Müller K (2019) Dplyr: A grammar of data manipulation.

Wickham H and Henry L (2019) Tidyr: Easily tidy data with ’spread()’ and ’gather()’ functions.

Wickham H, Hester J and Chang W (2019) Devtools: Tools to make developing r packages easier.

Wickham H, Hester J and Francois R (2018) Readr: Read rectangular text data.

Wilkinson L and Anand A (2018) Scagnostics: Compute scagnostics - scatterplot diagnostics.

Yee T (2017) VGAMdata: Data supporting the ’vgam’ package.

Citations for references listed above: Bryan (2017), Chan and Leeper (2018), Fox and others (2018), Friendly (2018), Friendly (2017), Healy (2019), Henry and Wickham (2018), Hurley (2019), Ramsey and others (2019), Layton (2019), Layton and others (2018), Mount and Zumel (2019a), Mount (2019), Mount and Zumel (2019b), Müller and Wickham (2019), Ooms (2018), Sax (2019), Schloerke and others (2018), Spinu and others (2018), Stoffer (2017), Templ and others (2019), Unwin (2015), Emerson and Green (2014), Wickham and Hester and others (2019), Wickham and François and others (2019), Wickham (2019a), Wickham and Chang and others (2019), Wickham (2018), Wickham and others (2018), Wickham and Bryan (2019), Wickham (2019b), Wickham and Henry (2019), Wilkinson and Anand (2018), Kim and others (2018), Yee (2017)

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