npm install --save-dev @gravity-ui/illustrations
Setup illustrations theme. Execute any of the following steps:
Define following css-tokens in app:
--gil-color-object-base: rgb(255, 190, 92);
--gil-color-object-accent-heavy: rgb(211, 101, 7);
--gil-color-object-hightlight: rgb(255, 216, 157);
--gil-color-shadow-over-object: rgb(211, 158, 80);
--gil-color-background-lines: rgb(140, 140, 140);
--gil-color-background-shapes: rgb(242, 242, 242);
--gil-color-object-accent-light: rgb(255, 255, 255);
--gil-color-object-danger: rgb(255, 0, 61);
Use the following mixins for styling illustrations in different themes
@import '@gravity-ui/illustrations/styles/theme.scss';
.g-root {
&_theme_light {
@include g-illustrations-colors-light;
&_theme_light-hc {
@include g-illustrations-colors-light-hc;
&_theme_dark {
@include g-illustrations-colors-dark;
&_theme_dark-hc {
@include g-illustrations-colors-dark-hc;
Alternatively, if @gravity-ui/uikit
is already installed in the project and default theme is used, you can just import styles.scss
to the root file with styles in your project:
// existing gravity styles definition
import '@gravity-ui/uikit/styles/styles.css';
// just add one more import below
import '@gravity-ui/illustrations/styles/styles.scss';
import NotFound from '@gravity-ui/illustrations/NotFound';
import {NotFound} from '@gravity-ui/illustrations';
You might need an appropriate loader for this
import notFound from '@gravity-ui/illustrations/svgs/not-found-light.svg';
For updating illustrations according to new design, change the content of svg-s in light theme (<this-repository-root>/svgs/<illustration-name>-light.svg
files) and then run command:
npm run generate