Release notes - Pelagos - 6.42.0
PELAGOS-5106 Fix dataset cold storage archive file size to bigint
PELAGOS-5086 update readme.md
PELAGOS-5105 HRI and GRP subsites edit
What's Changed
- Updated Pre-reqs in Readme. by @fightingtexasaggie in #1345
- Update copyright date on LICENSE. by @fightingtexasaggie in #1349
- Bump symfony/security-bundle from 5.4.11 to 5.4.20 by @dependabot in #1354
- Bump symfony/http-kernel from 5.4.15 to 5.4.20 by @dependabot in #1356
- Upgrades for PHP 8.1 by @mickel1138 in #1357
- Make bigint to cold storage total unpacked size. by @mickel1138 in #1358
- Capitalized text by @praneethpr in #1363
- Release/6.42.0 by @mickel1138 in #1367
Full Changelog: 6.41.0...6.42.0