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Change-Id: If0d3b9bc294d78918786336b6b977bab5bb64a9c
  • Loading branch information
DomHeinzeller committed Jul 1, 2019
1 parent 208e875 commit 3dc7e9b
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Showing 61 changed files with 7,815 additions and 1,039 deletions.
310 changes: 310 additions & 0 deletions CCPP_layer/CCPP_driver.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
module CCPP_driver

#ifdef STATIC
! For static builds, the ccpp_physics_{init,run,finalize} calls
! are not pointing to code in the CCPP framework, but to auto-generated
! ccpp_suite_cap and ccpp_group_*_cap modules behind a ccpp_static_api
use ccpp_api, only: ccpp_t, &
ccpp_init, &
ccpp_finalize, &
use ccpp_static_api, only: ccpp_physics_init, &
ccpp_physics_run, &
use ccpp_api, only: ccpp_t, &
ccpp_init, &
ccpp_finalize, &
ccpp_physics_init, &
ccpp_physics_run, &
ccpp_physics_finalize, &
ccpp_field_add, &
ccpp_initialized, &

use CCPP_data, only: cdata_tile, &
cdata_domain, &
cdata_block, &
ccpp_suite, &

#ifndef STATIC
! Begin include auto-generated list of modules for ccpp
#include ""
! End include auto-generated list of modules for ccpp
use iso_c_binding, only: c_loc

implicit none

! Pointer to CCPP containers defined in CCPP_data !
type(ccpp_t), pointer :: cdata => null()

! Flag for non-uniform block sizes (last block smaller) !
! and number of OpenMP threads (with special thread !
! number nthrdsX in case of non-uniform block sizes) !
logical :: non_uniform_blocks
integer :: nthrds, nthrdsX

! Public Entities
! functions
public CCPP_step
! module variables
public non_uniform_blocks


! CCPP step
subroutine CCPP_step (step, nblks, ierr)

#ifdef OPENMP
use omp_lib

implicit none

character(len=*), intent(in) :: step
integer, target, intent(in) :: nblks
integer, intent(out) :: ierr
! Local variables
integer :: nb, nt, ntX
integer :: ierr2

ierr = 0

if (trim(step)=="init") then

! Get and set number of OpenMP threads (module
! variable) that are available to run physics
#ifdef OPENMP
nthrds = omp_get_max_threads()
nthrds = 1

! For non-uniform blocksizes, we use index nthrds+1
! for the interstitial data type with different length
if (non_uniform_blocks) then
nthrdsX = nthrds+1
nthrdsX = nthrds
end if

!--- Initialize CCPP framework, if cdata_tile for fast physics
! is already initialized, use its suite to avoid reading the
! SDF multiple times. Initialize cdata for the entire domain:
if (ccpp_initialized(cdata_tile)) then
call ccpp_init(trim(ccpp_suite), cdata_domain, ierr=ierr, cdata_target=cdata_tile)
call ccpp_init(trim(ccpp_suite), cdata_domain, ierr=ierr)
end if
if (ierr/=0) then
write(0,*) 'An error occurred in ccpp_init'
end if

! For physics running over the entire domain, block and thread
! number are not used; set to safe values
cdata_domain%blk_no = 1
cdata_domain%thrd_no = 1

#ifndef STATIC
! Associate cdata with the global/domain cdata structure;
! this is needed because uses 'cdata' in
! its ccpp_field_add statements.
associate_domain: associate (cdata => cdata_domain)
! Begin include auto-generated list of calls to ccpp_field_add
#include ""
! End include auto-generated list of calls to ccpp_field_add
end associate associate_domain

! Allocate cdata structures for blocks and threads

! Loop over all blocks and threads
do nt=1,nthrdsX
do nb=1,nblks
!--- Initialize CCPP framework for blocks/threads, use suite from scalar cdata
! to avoid reading the SDF multiple times. If cdata_tile is initialized, use
! this version (since cdata_domain is just a copy), otherwise use cdata_domain
if (ccpp_initialized(cdata_tile)) then
call ccpp_init(trim(ccpp_suite), cdata_block(nb,nt), ierr=ierr, cdata_target=cdata_tile)
call ccpp_init(trim(ccpp_suite), cdata_block(nb,nt), ierr=ierr, cdata_target=cdata_domain)
end if
if (ierr/=0) then
write(0,'(2(a,i4))') "An error occurred in ccpp_init for block ", nb, " and thread ", nt
end if

! Assign the correct block and thread numbers
cdata_block(nb,nt)%blk_no = nb
cdata_block(nb,nt)%thrd_no = nt

#ifndef STATIC
! Associate cdata with the cdata structure for this block
! and thread; this is needed because uses
! 'cdata' in its ccpp_field_add statements.
associate_block: associate (cdata => cdata_block(nb,nt))
! Begin include auto-generated list of calls to ccpp_field_add
#include ""
! End include auto-generated list of calls to ccpp_field_add
end associate associate_block

end do
end do

else if (trim(step)=="physics_init") then

! Since the physics init steps are independent of the blocking structure,
! we can use cdata_domain here. Since we don't use threading on the outside,
! we can allow threading inside the time_vary routines.
GFS_control%nthreads = nthrds

#ifdef STATIC
call ccpp_physics_init(cdata_domain, suite_name=trim(ccpp_suite), ierr=ierr)
call ccpp_physics_init(cdata_domain, ierr=ierr)
if (ierr/=0) then
write(0,'(a)') "An error occurred in ccpp_physics_init"
write(0,'(a)') trim(cdata_domain%errmsg)
end if

else if (trim(step)=="time_vary") then

! Since the time_vary steps only use data structures for all blocks (except the
! CCPP-internal variables ccpp_error_flag and ccpp_error_message, which are defined
! for all cdata structures independently), we can use cdata_domain here.
! Since we don't use threading on the outside, we can allow threading
! inside the time_vary routines.
GFS_control%nthreads = nthrds

#ifdef STATIC
call ccpp_physics_run(cdata_domain, suite_name=trim(ccpp_suite), group_name="time_vary", ierr=ierr)
call ccpp_physics_run(cdata_domain, group_name="time_vary", ierr=ierr)
if (ierr/=0) then
write(0,'(a)') "An error occurred in ccpp_physics_run for group time_vary"
write(0,'(a)') trim(cdata_domain%errmsg)
end if

! Radiation and stochastic physics
else if (trim(step)=="radiation" .or. trim(step)=="physics" .or. trim(step)=="stochastics") then

! Set number of threads available to physics schemes to one,
! because threads are used on the outside for blocking
GFS_control%nthreads = 1

!$OMP parallel num_threads (nthrds) &
!$OMP default (shared) &
!$OMP private (nb,nt,ntX,ierr2) &
!$OMP reduction (+:ierr)
#ifdef OPENMP
nt = omp_get_thread_num()+1
nt = 1
!$OMP do schedule (dynamic,1)
do nb = 1,nblks
! For non-uniform blocks, the last block has a different (shorter)
! length than the other blocks; use special CCPP_Interstitial(nthrdsX)
if (non_uniform_blocks .and. nb==nblks) then
ntX = nthrdsX
ntX = nt
end if
!--- Call CCPP radiation/physics/stochastics group
#ifdef STATIC
call ccpp_physics_run(cdata_block(nb,ntX), suite_name=trim(ccpp_suite), group_name=trim(step), ierr=ierr2)
call ccpp_physics_run(cdata_block(nb,ntX), group_name=trim(step), ierr=ierr2)
if (ierr2/=0) then
write(0,'(2a,3(a,i4),a)') "An error occurred in ccpp_physics_run for group ", trim(step), &
", block ", nb, " and thread ", nt, " (ntX=", ntX, ")"
write(0,'(a)') trim(cdata_block(nb,nt)%errmsg)
ierr = ierr + ierr2
end if
end do
!$OMP end do

!$OMP end parallel
if (ierr/=0) return

! Finalize
else if (trim(step)=="finalize") then

! Loop over blocks, don't use threading on the outside but allowing threading
! inside the finalization, similar to what is done for the initialization
GFS_control%nthreads = nthrds

! Fast physics are finalized in atmosphere_end, loop over
! all blocks and threads to finalize all other physics
do nt=1,nthrdsX
do nb=1,nblks
!--- Finalize CCPP physics
#ifdef STATIC
call ccpp_physics_finalize(cdata_block(nb,nt), suite_name=trim(ccpp_suite), ierr=ierr)
call ccpp_physics_finalize(cdata_block(nb,nt), ierr=ierr)
if (ierr/=0) then
write(0,'(a,i4,a,i4)') "An error occurred in ccpp_physics_finalize for block ", nb, " and thread ", nt
write(0,'(a)') trim(cdata_block(nb,nt)%errmsg)
end if
!--- Finalize CCPP framework for blocks/threads
call ccpp_finalize(cdata_block(nb,nt), ierr=ierr)
if (ierr/=0) then
write(0,'(a,i4,a,i4)') "An error occurred in ccpp_finalize for block ", nb, " and thread ", nt
end if
end do
end do

! Deallocate cdata structure for blocks and threads

!--- Finalize CCPP framework for domain
call ccpp_finalize(cdata_domain, ierr=ierr)
if (ierr/=0) then
write(0,'(a)') "An error occurred in ccpp_finalize"
end if

!--- Finalize CCPP framework for fast physics last (all other frameworks point to cdata_tile's suite)
if (ccpp_initialized(cdata_tile)) then
call ccpp_finalize(cdata_tile, ierr)
if (ierr/=0) then
write(0,'(a)') "An error occurred in ccpp_finalize"
end if
end if


write(0,'(2a)') 'Error, undefined CCPP step ', trim(step)
ierr = 1

end if

end subroutine CCPP_step

end module CCPP_driver
73 changes: 73 additions & 0 deletions CCPP_layer/makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
SHELL = /bin/sh

inside_nems := $(wildcard ../../../conf/configure.nems)
ifneq ($(strip $(inside_nems)),)
include ../../../conf/configure.nems
exist_configure_fv3 := $(wildcard ../conf/configure.fv3)
ifneq ($(strip $(exist_configure_fv3)),)
include ../conf/configure.fv3
$(error "../conf/configure.fv3 file is missing. Run ./configure")
$(info )
$(info Build CCPP layer ...)
$(info )


LIBRARY = libccppdriver.a

# Needed for ccpp_data.mod, fv_arrays_mod.mod, ...
FFLAGS += -I$(FMS_DIR) -I../gfsphysics -I../atmos_cubed_sphere


# Set flags for 32-bit dynamics build
ifeq ($(DYN32),Y)

SRCS_F90 = \

SRCS_c =

DEPEND_FILES = $(SRCS_f) $(SRCS_f90) $(SRCS_F) $(SRCS_F90)

OBJS_f = $(SRCS_f:.f=.o)
OBJS_f90 = $(SRCS_f90:.f90=.o)
OBJS_F = $(SRCS_F:.F=.o)
OBJS_F90 = $(SRCS_F90:.F90=.o)
OBJS_c = $(SRCS_c:.c=.o)

OBJS = $(OBJS_f) $(OBJS_f90) $(OBJS_F) $(OBJS_F90) $(OBJS_c)

all default: depend $(LIBRARY)

$(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $@ $?

# Do preprocessing of the CCPP driver in two steps to be
# able to look at the actual .f90 file that gets compiled
./CCPP_driver.o: ./CCPP_driver.F90
$(CPP) $(CPPDEFS) $(CPPFLAGS) $< > $*.tmp.f90
$(FC) $(FFLAGS) $(OTHER_FFLAGS) -c $*.tmp.f90 -o $@

.PHONY: clean
@echo "Cleaning CCPP_layer ... "
$(RM) -f $(LIBRARY) *__genmod.f90 *.tmp.f90 *.o */*.o *.mod *.i90 *.lst *.i depend

include ../conf/make.rules

include ./depend

# do not include 'depend' file if the target contains string 'clean'
ifneq (clean,$(findstring clean,$(MAKECMDGOALS)))
-include depend


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