This project is used to recognize emotion and add according emoji at the end of each sentence.
The functions of each folder or file is as follows.
HCIproj/ │ ├── alibabacloud-nls-python-sdk-dev/ This is Python SDK for NLS. It supports SPEECH-RECOGNIZER/SPEECH-SYNTHESIZER/SPEECH-TRANSLATOR/COMMON-REQUESTS- PROTO. In this project, we use it to convert speech to text. │ ├── This file is used to request for AliAPI to execute FileTrans for the certain audio file uploaded in AliOSS. │ └── ... │ ├── audios/ │ ├── This is used to convert the sample rate of raw radio to the required 16000Hz. │ ├── output_audio.wav/ audio file converted to designated sample rate. │ └── sub-dir2/
├── emotion2vec/ This is a state-of-the-art speech emotion recognition foundation model. │ ├── scripts/ │ │ └── Invoke the model to recognize splited audio's emotions and store according scores. │ ├── 2312.15185.pdf/ The essay of Emo2vec.
| └── ...
├── splitted/Target audios after splitting by sentences. │ └── ...
├── uploads/ Produced by, aiming to upload to the front end. │ └── ... ├── Allow users to upload audio files in the front end, process them, and return the processed result files.
├── command.cmd/ Command file to run the entire project with one click.
├── Comparing the output emotion recognition scores with grading criterion scores, thus producing reasonable emojis.
├── emotion_grading.xlsx/ Grade the emotion gradients of the emojis.
├── final.txt/ The final output file.
├── index.html/ The front page code.
├── output.txt/ The output file of speech to text.
├── raw.m4a/ The original input audio file,
├── scores.txt/ The scores output by emo2vec of each splitted videos.
├── Split audios into pieces by sentence. └── Upload the converted audio to Ali's OSS.