This HTTP service authenticates to the Kubernetes API from an application running inside the Kubernetes cluster and returns metadata about the pods.
Audience is running a Unix/Linux OS
Audience has basic knowledge of Go, Docker, Kubernetes, AWS
All necessary software(s) are installed on audience OS. viz. kubectl, make, Go, Docker
Respective Paths viz. GOPATH are properly set on audience OS.
A Kubernetes cluster is running in AWS
Kubernetes cluster can access public Docker Repo
Audience following this guide has necessary access to the kube cluster and proper kube-context set.
The security groups for AWS has ports 30000-32767 open for audience IP Address/Block.
go get
export DOCKER_USER = "gudladona87"
docker login --username gudladona87 --password-stdin
-- Password provided in the email -
Install make
make deploy
> make test
Current code coverage available at ./coverage/coverage.html
For the sake of simplicity the type
in .kube/service.yml is set to NodePort
which allows each Node to proxy that port (the same port number on every Node) into the Service.
Once this service is installed on a Kubernetes cluster,
Grep for the Service
. Copy the port the service is exposed on.> kubectl get svc | grep kubeinfo kubeinfo NodePort <none> 8080:31046/TCP 27m
Find the pod that the service is running on. Although the same port is exposed on all the nodes, for simplicity I choose to use the node where the pod is running.
> kubectl get po | grep kube kubeinfo-7c854d54d8-vp2tw 1/1 Running 0 30m
Find the Node that the pod is running on
> kubectl describe pod kubeinfo-7c854d54d8-vp2tw | grep 'Node:' Node: ip-10-75-24-178.ec2.internal/
Initiate a GET request on the Node and the port at the endpoint
> curl {"pod_count":314,"message":"OK"}
A better approach would be to configure an ingress for the service at a registered domain such as But, this requires registering a domain, which I think is out of scope.