Looking for a real Terminal for Windows? Relax you just found it. This sets up a working ZSH Shell powered by oh-my-zsh and the apt-cyg package manager.
I took care of installing and configuring some packages so that you have vim, git and ssh~~ just one keystroke away.
About this fork
I was working on a Raspberry python project, missed oh-my-zsh in cygwin and got sidetracked, stumbled upon the initial repo , missed the "deprecated" warning, was "just gonna" replace the apt-cyg url, didn't have wget installed in cygwin, forgot about my actual project and here we are, apparently.
- Now uses git instead of wget to get apt-cyg.
- Add optional .zshrc config.
- Added some progress output.
- Check if packages exists oh-my-zsh, vim, curl and zsh.
- And probably something I forgot...
Install cygwin with wget git (check wget git in the installation process) then start cygwin and execute
sh wget --no-check-certificate https://raw.github.com/haithembelhaj/oh-my-cygwin/master/oh-my-cygwin.sh -O - | sh
git clone "https://github.com/gudorian/oh-my-cygwin" "~/.oh-my-cygwin" && sh "~/.oh-my-cygwin/oh-my-cygwin.sh"
After installation you'll be prompted to use a customized .zshrc config, hit Y if you want to use it or N if not, then hit (well, gently, don't actually hit your keyboard, keyboard violence is bad!) ENTER.
Et Voila! Your windows Terminal will look like this
Or like this if you use included .zshrc config