Tracker for books I've read. Looking for suggestion and inspirational for others. :)
During years I love spending time to read books about tech industries, languages, databases and all around software engineering. This is a simple list of what I have read, looking for suggestions and maybe give some advice to other for a specific topic.
Can I do this on other platforms? Yes, google sheet, notion, obsidian and many other platforms can track this in different way, but I want to keep this public, for me, for forcing me to read more, and for others for taking a look on what I read. Does make sense to hold space for this? I think this simple file will waste very little space on cloud and out there there are worse things.
I would like to see different views of this list, like divided with tags or others... Looking for suggestion on how can improve this :D
Just opening a PR for adding more information about a book, year of publication, links, references, author in case I miss. Do you want to see organized in specific way? Just ask. Do you want to suggest a book? Open an issue :)
If you are looking for some sort of review I don't do it, I wrote a quick review on LinkedIn and Twitter when I finish a book for letting you know what I appreciated on that specific book at that time... You know, re-reading a book can change your thoughts :) sometimes happens.
I'm thinking to track also some papers I read, but not all papers because sometimes I neither finish to read if I don't like. Maybe I can keep here some of those are very relevant for me or for CS. Hope you can suggest many of this category because I'm not a good scraper eheh.
- 100 Go Mistakes and How to Avoid Them - Teiva Harsanyi (2022)
- Building Scalable Web Sites - Cal Henderson (2006)
- Clean Architecture - Robert Martin (2017)
- Clean Code - Robert Martin (2008)
- Cloud Native Go - Matthew A. Titmus (2021)
- Computing From the Command Line - Sundeep Agarwal (2022)
- Deep Work - Cal Newport (2015)
- Designing Data-Intensive Applications - Martin Kleppmann (2017)
- Design Patterns - Gamma & Helm & Johnson & Vlissides (1994)
- Docker Up Running Shipping Reliable Containers in Production, 3rd Edition - Sean Kane, Karl Matthias (2023)
- Effective C++ 3rd - Scott Meyers (2008)
- Effective Modern C++ - Scott Meyers (2015)
- Effective STL - Scott Meyers (2001)
- Embedded Linux Development using Yocto Project Cookbook 2nd - Alex Gonzalez (2018)
- Embedded Linux Development using Yocto Projects 2nd - Salvador & Angolini (2017)
- Embedded Linux Systems with the Yocto Project - Rudolf Sterif (2016)
- End to End GUI Development with Qt5 - Sherriff & Lazar & Penea & Piccolino (2018)
- Git From the Bottom Up - Wigley (2009)
- Go Bootcamp - Matt Aimonetti (2016)
- Go in Action - William Kennedy (2014)
- Hands-On Data Structures and Algorithms with Rust - Claus Matzinger (2019)
- Hands-On GUI Programming with C++ and Qt5 - Lee Zhi Eng (2018)
- Hands-On Mobile and Embedded Development with Qt5 - Lorn Potter (2019)
- How Linux Work 2nd - Brian Ward (2015)
- Kubernetes for Developers - William Denniss (2024)
- Learning GitHub Actions Automation and Integration of CICD with GitHub - Brent Laster (2023)
- Learning SQL 3rd - Alan Beaulieu (2020)
- Mastering Go 2nd - Tsoykalos (2019)
- Mastering API Architecture- Gough, Bryant & Auburn (2022)
- Mastering Qt5 2nd - Lazar & Penea (2018)
- Modern C++ Programming Cookbook - Marius Bancilia (2017)
- Peopleware 3rd - DeMarco & Lister (2013)
- Professional CMake 4th - Craig Scott (2019)
- Programming Principles using C++ - Bjarne Stroustrup (2009)
- Programming Rust - Blandy & Orendorff (2018)
- Programming Rust 2nd - Blandy & Orendorff & Tindall (2021)
- Qt5 C++ GUI Programming Cookbook 2nd - Lee Zhi Eng (2019)
- Qt5 Projects - Marco Piccolino (2018)
- Redis in Action - Josiah Carlson (2013)
- Refactoring 2nd - Martin Fowler (2018)
- Rust For Rustaceans - Jon Gjengset (2022)
- System Design Interview - Alex Xu (2020)
- Soft Skills - John Sonmez (2015)
- Software Architecture with C++ - Ostrowski & Gaczkowski (2021)
- Software Engineering at Google - Winters & Writght & Manshreck (2020)
- Test Driven Development - Kent Beck (2002)
- The C++ Programming Language 4th - Bjarne Stroustrup (2013)
- The DynamoDB Book - Alex DeBrie (2020)
- The Pragmatic Programmer - Hunt & Thomas (1999)
- The Programmer's Brain - Felienne Hermans (2021)
- The Self-taught Programmer - Cory Althoff (2016)
- The Staff Engineers Path A Guide for Individual Contributors Navigating Growth and Change - Tanya Reilly (2022)
- Think Like a Programmer - Anton Spraul (2012)
- Zero To Production In Rust - Luca Palmieri (2022)