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Make Slider.Options a designable property #778

Make Slider.Options a designable property

Make Slider.Options a designable property #778

Workflow file for this run

name: Build, test and package
on: push
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Build
run: cd src && dotnet build
- name: Test
run: |
cd tests && dotnet test --configuration Debug --verbosity normal --collect:'XPlat Code Coverage' --settings coverlet.runsettings
- name: Move test results to accessible directory
run: |
mkdir TestResults
mv -v --backup=numbered tests/TestResults/*/*.* TestResults/
# Note: this step is currently not writing to the gist for some reason
- name: Create Test Coverage Badge
uses: simon-k/[email protected]
id: create_coverage_badge
label: Unit Test Coverage
color: brightgreen
path: TestResults/coverage.opencover.xml
gist-filename: code-coverage.json
gist-id: 2a31eee1c9151917aa8d17b59bc86633
gist-auth-token: ${{ secrets.GIST_AUTH_TOKEN }}
- name: Print Code Coverage
run: |
echo "Code coverage percentage: ${{steps.create_coverage_badge.outputs.percentage}}%"
echo "Badge data: ${{steps.create_coverage_badge.outputs.badge}}"
- name: Pack
run: cd src && dotnet pack
- name: Publish to Nuget
if: contains(github.ref, 'refs/tags/v')
run: dotnet nuget push ./src/nupkg/TerminalGuiDesigner.$(fgrep \<Version\> ./src/TerminalGuiDesigner.csproj | grep -oEi '[-0-9.rc]{5,}').nupkg --api-key ${{ secrets.NUGET_KEY }} --source