Annotating Movie Reviews with UIMA
Using UIMA to annotate names of cinematographers, actors and characters in movie reviews
Movie review data set by Bo Pang and Lillian Lee. Can be downloaded here
Download the data files, and place the positive review files under the folder:
To execute the annotators with UIMA tools, one needs to configure a few variables regarding the location of descriptor files and other resources.
modelMEFilePath: location of the OpenNLP POS tag pack for English (EN)
sentenceMEFilePath: location of the OpenNLP sentence identification pack for English (EN)
You can edit these variables in the PersonDescriptor.xml file.
You need to have UIMA properly set up in your environment.
Use use the documentAnalyser tool to annotate documents:
And the annotationViewer to view the annotations:
mvn clean compile assembly:single