Highly Dependable Systems 2021-2022, 2nd semester project
Group T09
Maria Gomes 102203
Guilherme Saraiva 93717
Bruno Silva 102172
Java Developer Kit 11 is required running on Linux, Windows or Mac. Maven 3 is also required.
To confirm that you have them installed, open a terminal and type:
javac -version
mvn -version
To compile and install all modules:
mvn clean install -DskipTests
To run the servers, access the server folder and type:
.\runServers.bat <nByzantineServers>
if you are on Windows, and if you are on Linux type:
chmod +777 runServers.bash
./runServers.bash <nByzantineServers>
where nByzantineServers is the number of byzantine faults that you want the system to support. We recommend a maximum of 2 faults.
To perform the bank operations, access the client folder and run:
mvn exec:java -DnByzantineServers=<nByzantineServers>
where nByzantineServers is the same number of faults that you put on server command.
Check Client's README.md for more information.
To run the integrations tests, start the server, then access the tester folder and execute:
mvn verify