user: root password: root
- vagrant ssh
- user: vagrant, password: vagrant
user: admin password: test
- Download and install VirtualBox (Drupal VM also works with Parallels or VMware, if you have the Vagrant VMware integration plugin).
- Download and install Vagrant.
Note for Faster Provisioning (Mac/Linux only): Install Ansible on your host machine, so Drupal VM can run the provisioning steps locally instead of inside the VM.
Note for Linux users: If NFS is not already installed on your host, you will need to install it to use the default NFS synced folder configuration. See guides for Debian/Ubuntu, Arch, and RHEL/CentOS.
Note on versions: Please make sure you're running the latest stable version of Vagrant, VirtualBox, and Ansible, as the current version of Drupal VM is tested with the latest releases. As of August 2015: Vagrant 1.7.4, VirtualBox 5.0.2, and Ansible 1.9.2.
Add the line `
- go to vagrant folder
- Update vagrant_synced_folders variable in config.yml
- run ansible-galaxy install -r provisioning/requirements.txt -p provisioning/roles
vagrant up
- .build # holds built drupal installations (if any)
- vagrant # vagrant installation