cinnamon applet for monitor events on the LAN, using arpalert.
- The MITM feature is just a PoC, experimental. A service like would be more suitable. In any case, this will only work for HTTPS.
- Detect network and devices changes, and enable/disable checks on demand, or clean the devices list.
- Check out DHCP, DNS and route config.
apt-get install arpalert
||dnf install arpalert
||yum install arpalert
git clone ...
cd arpsentinel-applet
cp -a [email protected]/ ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/
mkdir -p ~/.arpsentinel-applet/bin/
touch ~/.arpsentinel-applet/maclist.allow ~/.arpsentinel-applet/maclist.deny
cp ~/.arpsentinel-applet/bin/
sudo cp arpalert.service /usr/share/dbus-1/system-services/org.arpsentinel.service
(modify the user's home path in Exec=) -
sudo cp arpsentinel.conf /etc/dbus-1/system.d/
modify the following options of /etc/arpalert/arpalert.conf:
- maclist file = "~/.arpsentinel-applet/maclist.allow"
- maclist alert file = "~/.arpsentinel-applet/maclist.deny"
- maclist leases file = "~/.arpsentinel-applet/arpalert.leases"
- action on detect = "~/.arpsentinel-applet/bin/"
Add the applet to the panel: right click on the cinnamon panel -> Add applets to the panel -> ARP Sentinel
- Allow to filter/search devices list by ip/mac/vendor.
- Make the devices list scrollable.
- Allow to scan a device.
- Manually/Periodically scan the network on demand.
- Script to block malicious devices (manually and based on certain events).
- Create a GUI to do all the above.
- Fix devices list, and put the icon on the left.
- finish/complete gnome-shell extension.
- Translations.
Check out the wiki