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ChIPs is a tool for simulating ChIP-sequencing experiments. This tool has been published as a software on BMC Bioinformatics.

Open Access Paper:

Citation: Zheng, A., Lamkin, M., Qiu, Y. et al. A flexible ChIP-sequencing simulation toolkit. BMC Bioinformatics 22, 201 (2021).

For questions on installation or usage, please open an issue, submit a pull request, or contact An Zheng ([email protected]) & Melissa Gymrek ([email protected]).

Download | Basic Usage | Detailed usage | File formats | Usage example | FAQ

1. Download

From Github

The latest ChIPs release is available on the releases page

To compile from the Github repository, run:

git clone
cd chips/
mkdir build
cd build/
cmake ..

From source files

To compile from source on the releases page, download the file chips-2.2-Source.tar.gz and run:

tar -xvf chips-2.4-Source.tar.gz
cd chips-2.4-Source/
mkdir build
cd build/
cmake ..

This will generate a binary file chips, which you can then copy to a place on your $PATH.

There is also a precompiled binary available on the release page. Download and unzip chips-2.2-Linux_x86_64.tar.gz and copy the binary located in chips-2.2-Linux_x86_64/bin/chips somewhere onto your $PATH.

2. Basic usage

ChIPs is a single command line tool that contains several modules. To see available modules type:


The following modules are available:

  • learn: Learn key parameters from existing ChIP-seq datasets. Learn takes in alinged reads (BAM) and peaks (BED) and outputs a model parameters file.
  • simreads: Simulate ChIP-seq reads based on model and experimental parameters. Simulate takes in peaks (BED), model parameters (either user-specified, or learned from an existing dataset using learn) and outputs raw reads (FASTQ).

Basic usage is shown below. See detailed usage below for more info.

chips learn \
  -b <reads.bam> \
  -p <peaks> \
  -t <homer|bed>
  -c <int> \
  -o <outprefix>
chips simreads \
  -p <peaks> \
  -f <ref.fa>
  -t <homer|bed|wce> \
  -o <outprefix>

3. Detailed usage

chips learn

Required parameters:

  • -p <peaks>: file containing peaks.
  • -t <homer|bed>: Specify the format of the peaks file. Options are "bed" or "homer".
  • -o <outprefix>: Prefix to name output files. Outputs file <outprefix>.json with learned model parameters.
  • -b <file.bam>: BAM file containing aligned reads. Should be sorted and indexed. To accurately estimate PCR duplicate rate, duplicates must be flagged e.g. using Picard. Both paired-end or single-end data are supported.
  • -c <int>: The index of the BED or homer peak file column used to score each peak (index starting from 1)

Optional parameters:

  • -r <float>: Ignore peaks with top r% of peak scores. Default: 0.
  • --noscale: Don't scale peak scores by the max score. Treat given scores in the input bed file as binding probabilities. Default: false.
  • --scale-outliers: Set all peaks with scores >3x median score to have binding prob 1. Recommended with real data. Default: flase.
  • --region <str>: Only consider peaks from this region chrom:start-end. Default: genome-wide.

BAM-file arguments:

  • --paired: Data is paired. Default: false.

Fragment length estimation arguments (for single-end data only):

  • --est <int>: Estimated fragment length. Used as a rough guess to guide inference of fragment length distribution from single end data. Please set this number as the loose upper-bound of your best estimation. This can result in more robust estimates especially for data with narrow peaks. Default: 300.
  • --thres <float>: For estimating fragment length distribution from single end data, only consider peaks with scores above this threshold. ChIPs applies --thres or --thres-scale whichever is stricter. Default: 100.
  • --thres-scale <float>: Scale threshold for peak scores. Only consider peaks with at least this score after scaling scores to be between 0-1. ChIPs applies --thres or --thres-scale whichever is stricter. Default: 0.

chips simreads

Required parameters:

  • -p <peaks>: file containing peaks.
  • -t <homer|bed|wce>: Specify the format of the peaks file. Options are "bed" or "homer" when loading peaks. Specify -t wce and no peaks input file to simulate whole cell extract control data.
  • -f <ref.fa>: Reference genome fasta file. Must be indexed (e.g. samtools faidx <ref.fa>)
  • -o <outprefix>: Prefix to name output files. Outputs <outprefix>.fastq for single-end data or <outprefix>_1.fastq and <outprefix>_2.fastq for paired-end data.

Experiment parameters:

  • --numcopies <int>: Number of simulation rounds (copies of the reference genome) to simulate (Default: 100). Note, this is not directly comparable to the number of input cells.
  • --numreads <int>: Number of reads (or read pairs) to simulate (Default: 1000000)
  • --readlen <int>: Read length to generate (Default: 36bp)
  • --paired: Simulated paired-end reads (by default single-end reads are generated).

Model parameters: (either user-specified or learned from chips learn:

  • --model <str>: JSON file with model parameters (e.g. from running learn. Setting parameters with other options overrides anything in the JSON file.
  • --gamma-frag <float>,<float>: Parameters for fragment length distribution (k, theta for Gamma distribution). Default: 15.67,15.49
  • --spot <float>: SPOT score (fraction of reads in peaks). Default: 0.17594
  • --frac <float>: Fraction of the genome that is bound. Default: 0.03713
  • --pcr_rate <float>: The geometric step size paramters for simulating PCR. Default: 1.
  • --recomputeF: Recompute --frac param based on input peaks. Recommended especially when using model parameters that were not learned on real data.

Peak scoring:

  • -b <reads.bam>: Use a provided BAM file to obtain scores for each peak (optional). If a BAM is not given, scores in the peak files are used.
  • -c <int>: The index of the BED or homer peak file column used to score each peak (index starting from 1). Required if not using -b.
  • --scale-outliers: Set all peaks with scores >3x median score to have binding prob 1. Recommended with real data. Default: false.
  • --noscale: Don't scale peak scores. Treat given scores as binding probabilities. Default: false.

Other options:

  • --seed <unsigned>: The random seed used for initiating randomization opertions. By default or 0, use wall-clock time.
  • --region <str>: Only simulate reads from this region chrom:start-end. By default, simulate genome-wide.
  • --binsize <int>: Consider bins of this size when simulating. Default: 100000.
  • --thread <int>: Number of threads to use. Default: 1.
  • --sequencer <str>: Sequencing error mode. If not set, use --sub,--ins, and --del. Specify --sequencer HiSeq to set --sub 2.65e-3 --del 2.43e-4 --ins 1.83e-4.
  • --sub <float>: Substitution error rate. Default: 0.
  • --ins <float>: Insertion error rate. Default: 0.
  • --del <float>: Deletion error rate. Default: 0.

4. Formats

Peak files

Peak files may be either in BED or HOMER peak format. For all modules, the option -t should specify either "bed" or "homer" appropriately.

With -t bed, your peak file must be tab-delimited with no header line. The first three columns are chromosome, start, and end. For chips simreads if you don't supply a BAM file you'll also need to specify which column contains the peak score using -c <colnum>. For example if your file just has four columns, chrom, start, end, and score, set -c 4. If your peaks don't have scores you can modify your peak file to set all peaks to have score 1.

With -t homer, your peak file should be in the format output by the HOMER peak caller. For HOMER files, set -c 6 since the peak score intensity is in column 6.

Model files

Model files are in JSON syntax, and follow the example below.

    "frag": {
        "k": 14.176023483276367,
        "theta": 16.013242721557617
    "pcr_rate": 0.825218915939331,
    "pulldown": {
        "f": 0.043268248438835144,
        "s": 0.1925637274980545

chips learn outputs a JSON model file. chips simreads can take in a model file with all or some of these parameters specified. Model parameters set on the command line override those set in the JSON model file.

5. Usage Example

In this toy example, we use the following sample.bed as input for read simulation.

chr21    10001100   10001400    10  
chr21    10002500   10002800    20  
chr21    10004100   10004900    60  
chr21    10005900   10006800    100

First, we can use chips simreads to simulate reads.

chips simreads -p sample.bed -t bed -c 4 -f {PATH-TO-HG19}/hg19.fa -o sample --numcopies 1000 --numreads 10000 --readlen 36 --paired --gamma-frag 15,15 --spot 0.8 --frac 0.15 --pcr_rate 0.8 --region chr21:10000000-10010000

Next, we use bowtie, samtools, picard, and igvtools to map simulated reads to the reference genome and generate a sorted BAM file. You can use IGV to visualize the BAM file (screen shot).

bowtie2 -x {PATH-TO-HG19}/hg19 -1 sample_1.fastq -2 sample_2.fastq > tmp.sam 
samtools view -bS tmp.sam > tmp.bam
samtools sort tmp.bam -o tmp.sorted.bam
samtools index tmp.sorted.bam
samtools view tmp.sorted.bam chr21:10000000-10010000 -b -o tmp.trimmed.bam
samtools index tmp.trimmed.bam
java -jar {PATH-TO-picard}/picard.jar MarkDuplicates -I tmp.trimmed.bam -O tmp.flagged.bam -M tmp.metrics
samtools index tmp.flagged.bam
igvtools count -z 5 -w 25 -e 0 tmp.flagged.bam tmp.tdf /storage/resources/dbase/human/hg19/hg19.fa

Last, we use chips learn to estimate the parameters in ChIP-seq simulation.

chips learn -b tmp.flagged.bam -p sample.bed -t bed -c 4 -o sample --region chr21:10000000-10010000 --paired

The esitmations can be found in sample.json.

    "frag": {
        "k": 15.783836364746094,
        "theta": 14.306901931762695
    "pcr_rate": 0.7234475612640381,
    "pulldown": {
        "f": 0.15454448759555817,
        "s": 0.8646870851516724

6. FAQ

Q: What should I set the number of genome copies (--numcopies) parameter to for simreads?
A: This gives the number of simulation rounds to perform. This number is not directly comparable to the actual number of cells used in an experiment since we do not currently model pulldown inefficiency. We have found that for histone modifications performance starts to plateau after around 25 copies (--numcopies 25). For transcription factors we recommend setting --numcopies 1000. Note, run time increases linearly with the value set for this parameter.

Q: I get a pcr_rate output from learn of 1.0 (no duplicates) but I know there should be duplicates in my data!
A: Make sure duplicates are marked, e.g. using Picard MarkDuplicates.

Q: What should I do if I want to replicate my simulation experiment?
A: Each time you run ChIPs, it prints in your console the random seed being used. If you want to replicate this simulation experiment, you can simply set up --seed option in the simreads module with that random seed. Note: if you are using multi-threads in your work, the order of output reads in the fastq file may be different in each repeated experiment, because threads claim their jobs in an arbitrary manner during run-time. The total contents, however, stay the same in different runs.