vinegar is a library for producing, Vigenere tables and encrypting/decrypting messages with them.
Plaintext messages have their spaces removed during encryption as the library uses the standard latin alphabet modified by a keyword (with duplicates removed). This means the decrypted message will also have no spaces but will match the plaintext input in all other ways.
package main
import (
func main() {
vig := vinegar.NewVigenere("kyrptos")
cipher := vig.Encrypt("this is a secret hidden message", "neddih")
plain := vig.Decrypt(cipher, "neddih")
fmt.Println(cipher) // wzzjtqklunlzwzzqzzfpujuusv
fmt.Println(plain) // thisisasecrethiddenmessage
// Using the wrong key
fmt.Println(vig.Decrypt(cipher, "hidden")) // cdisnyfrecsscdidhsxhesdrma