is an SQLAlchemy
extension for FastAPI
It supports asynchronous SQLAlchemy
sessions and includes built-in custimizable
Automatic SQLAlchemy configuration at app startup.
Using FastAPI
from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastsqla import lifespan
app = FastAPI(lifespan=lifespan)
Async SQLAlchemy session as a FastAPI dependency.
from fastsqla import Session
from sqlalchemy import select
async def get_heros(session:Session):
stmt = select(...)
result = await session.execute(stmt)
Built-in pagination.
from fastsqla import Page, Paginate
from sqlalchemy import select
@app.get("/heros", response_model=Page[HeroModel])
async def get_heros(paginate:Paginate):
return paginate(select(Hero))
Allows pagination customization.
from fastapi import Page, new_pagination
Paginate = new_pagination(min_page_size=5, max_page_size=500)
@app.get("/heros", response_model=Page[HeroModel])
async def get_heros(paginate:Paginate):
return paginate(select(Hero))
And more ...
Using uv:
uv add fastsqla
Using pip:
pip install fastsqla
from http import HTTPStatus
from fastapi import FastAPI, HTTPException
from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict
from sqlalchemy import select
from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError
from sqlalchemy.orm import Mapped, mapped_column
from fastsqla import Base, Item, Page, Paginate, Session, lifespan
app = FastAPI(lifespan=lifespan)
class Hero(Base):
__tablename__ = "hero"
id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(primary_key=True)
name: Mapped[str] = mapped_column(unique=True)
secret_identity: Mapped[str]
class HeroBase(BaseModel):
name: str
secret_identity: str
class HeroModel(HeroBase):
model_config = ConfigDict(from_attributes=True)
id: int
@app.get("/heros", response_model=Page[HeroModel])
async def list_users(paginate: Paginate):
return await paginate(select(Hero))
@app.get("/heros/{hero_id}", response_model=Item[HeroModel])
async def get_user(hero_id: int, session: Session):
hero = await session.get(Hero, hero_id)
if hero is None:
raise HTTPException(HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, "Hero not found")
return {"data": hero}"/heros", response_model=Item[HeroModel])
async def create_user(new_hero: HeroBase, session: Session):
hero = Hero(**new_hero.model_dump())
await session.flush()
except IntegrityError:
raise HTTPException(HTTPStatus.CONFLICT, "Duplicate hero name")
return {"data": hero}
Sqlite is used for the sake of the example. FastSQLA is compatible with all async db drivers that SQLAlchemy is compatible with.
Create an sqlite3
sqlite3 db.sqlite <<EOF
name TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE, -- Hero name (e.g., Superman)
secret_identity TEXT NOT NULL -- Secret identity (e.g., Clark Kent)
-- Insert heroes with hero name and secret identity
INSERT INTO hero (name, secret_identity) VALUES ('Superman', 'Clark Kent');
INSERT INTO hero (name, secret_identity) VALUES ('Batman', 'Bruce Wayne');
INSERT INTO hero (name, secret_identity) VALUES ('Wonder Woman', 'Diana Prince');
INSERT INTO hero (name, secret_identity) VALUES ('Iron Man', 'Tony Stark');
INSERT INTO hero (name, secret_identity) VALUES ('Spider-Man', 'Peter Parker');
INSERT INTO hero (name, secret_identity) VALUES ('Captain America', 'Steve Rogers');
INSERT INTO hero (name, secret_identity) VALUES ('Black Widow', 'Natasha Romanoff');
INSERT INTO hero (name, secret_identity) VALUES ('Thor', 'Thor Odinson');
INSERT INTO hero (name, secret_identity) VALUES ('Scarlet Witch', 'Wanda Maximoff');
INSERT INTO hero (name, secret_identity) VALUES ('Doctor Strange', 'Stephen Strange');
INSERT INTO hero (name, secret_identity) VALUES ('The Flash', 'Barry Allen');
INSERT INTO hero (name, secret_identity) VALUES ('Green Lantern', 'Hal Jordan');
Install dependencies & run the app
pip install uvicorn aiosqlite fastsqla
sqlalchemy_url=sqlite+aiosqlite:///db.sqlite?check_same_thread=false uvicorn example:app
Execute GET /heros?offset=10
curl -X 'GET' \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/json'
"data": [
"name": "The Flash",
"secret_identity": "Barry Allen",
"id": 11
"name": "Green Lantern",
"secret_identity": "Hal Jordan",
"id": 12
"meta": {
"offset": 10,
"total_items": 12,
"total_pages": 2,
"page_number": 2