Spark implementation of the Distributed Stochastic Gradient Descent Algorithm (
Usage - spark-submit number_of_factors number_of_workers number_of_iterations beta lambda autolab_train.csv w.csv h.csv
create_V: Read the data file (<user_id>,<movie_id>,<rating>)
Create a dictionary V {user_id:[(movie_id,rating)]}
Compute: - Ni_ - Number of movies user i has rated
- N_j - Number of users who have rated movie j
filter_V: Filter the movies that will be processed in worker j so as to create a valid sequence of strata (all the blocks should be interchangeable)
compute_loss: Helper function to compute the loss resulting from a factorization W,H - Used to plot the loss as a function of the number of iterations Apply Stochastic gradient descent to a given strata sgd: Compute gradient update on all the points
loss: Helper function to compute the loss
gradientWi: Compute the gradient with respect to Wi
gradientHj: Compute the gradient with respect to Hj
epsilon: Compute the value epsilon_n used in the gradient update (decays with the number of iterations)