With this project, you can receive messages from Teltonika FMB9201 GPS tracer and store them in an InfluxDB2 database.
To visualise InfluxDB content, the easiest way is to set up a Grafana3 instance separately. This fits the best into a microservice architecture.
Haltonika supports configurations from CLI arguments, environment variables as well as .yaml files.
Usage of ./haltonika:
--database string InfluxDB database name (default "haltonika")
--debug Set log level to debug
--imeilist string IMEI identifiers needs to be processed. Separated by comma. Example: 123456789012345,123456789012345,123456789012345 (default "350424063817363"[https://wiki.teltonika-gps.com/view/FMB920_SMS/GPRS_Commands)
--listenip string Teltonika server listening IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) (default "")
--listenport int Teltonika server listening UDP port (default 9160)
--measurement string Name of the Influxdb measurement (default "gps")
--metricsip string Metrics server listening IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) (default "")
--metricsport int Metrics server listening port (default 9161)
--mp string File where metrics are written (default "haltonika.met")
--password string InfluxDB password (default "123")
--url string URL of InfluxDB server (default "http://localhost:8086")
--username string InfluxDB username (default "haltonika")
--verbose Set log level to verbose
Haltonika opens unix domain socket for each connected Teltonika GPS device. By default, sockets are located under the /var/run/haltonika directory. You can communicate with your GPS devices with SMS commands.
halacs@halacs:~$ sudo socat /var/run/haltonika/350424063817363 -
Ver:03.27.07_00 GPS:AXN_5.1.9 Hw:FMB920 Mod:13 IMEI:350424063817363 Init:2023-8-8 5:24 Uptime:8418658 MAC:001E427ED0D9 SPC:1(0) AXL:1 OBD:0 BL:1.10 BT:4
Data Link: 1 GPRS: 1 Phone: 0 SIM: 0 OP: 21630 Signal: 4 NewSMS: 0 Roaming: 0 SMSFull: 0 LAC: 93 Cell ID: 5103 NetType: 1 FwUpd:-65536
Build requirements:
- GO 1.19.1
- make
- Ubuntu linux 22.04 LTS (or compatible Debian variant)
When above requirements are met, build itself is as simple as a make
command from the project root.
Build haltonika
binary from source and place it at /usr/bin/haltonika
, make it executable and create directory for configuration files under /etc
git clone [email protected]:halacs/haltonika.git
cd haltonika
sudo adduser haltonika
sudo cp dist/haltonika /usr/bin/haltonika
sudo chown haltonika:haltonika /usr/bin/haltonika
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/haltonika
sudo mkdir /etc/haltonika
sudo chown haltonika:haltonika /etc/haltonika
With help of your favorite text editor (e.g. vim
), create /lib/systemd/system/haltonika.service
file with the below content.
Description=Haltonika Server for Teltonika GPS trackers
ExecStartPre=-mkdir /var/run/haltonika
ExecStop=/bin/kill -s SIGINT $MAINPID
ReadWritePaths=/etc/haltonika/ /var/run/haltonika/
Start your haltonika instance
sudo systemctl enable --now haltonika.service
Finally, you can check if your haltonika instance is up and running by checking its logs and metrics:
sudo systemctl status haltonika.service
curl localhost:9161/metrics
Haltonika provides an HTTP endpoint to expose its internal metrics.
By default, it is available on the http://localhost:9131/metrics URL.
Haltonika provides metrics for itself:
- received bytes and packages: received bytes/packages from all remote endpoints all together
- sent bytes and packages: sent bytes/packages to all remote endpoints all together
- malformed packages: packages could not parse, in any reason
- rejected packages: packages not on the allowed list are rejected
Packages here means byte streams could be parsed into a valid Teltonika package
Configure Telegraf 4 for Haltonika internal metrics
Install Telegraf then add below content into /etc/telegraf/telegraf.d/haltonika.conf file.
## One or more URLs from which to read formatted metrics
urls = [
## HTTP method
method = "GET"
## Amount of time allowed to complete the HTTP request
timeout = "1s"
## Data format to consume.
data_format = "influx"
The easiest solution to start a development InfluxDB is to use Docker.
Below command starts an InfluxDB 1.8 and make 8086 port available on the host IP.
When Docker container terminates, all of its data will be lost.
docker run --rm -d -p 8086:8086 --name influxdb influxdb:1.8
docker exec -it influxdb influx
create database haltonika
use haltonika
create user haltonika with password '123'
grant all on haltonika to haltonika