- Following display sizes with respective acronyms are supported:
- min-width 1px = s1
- min-width 540px = s2
- min-width 720px = m1
- min-width 960px = m2
- min-width 1200px = l1
- min-width 1400px = l2
- min-width 1800px = x1
- min-width 2200px = x2
- Different displays are provided. The size should be prepended ([size]-[display]):
- display-flex-row
- display-flex-row-reverse
- display-flex-column
- display-flex-column-reverse
- display-block
- display-inline
- display-inline-block
- display-none
- Different widths in percentage are provided, from 10 to 100% ([size]-[width]); as an example:
- width 10%: width-10
- Different margins are as follows ([size]-[margin]):
- margin-right-auto
- margin-left-auto
- margin-auto
- For flex displays following justify content options are provided ([size]-[justify-content]):
- justify-content-end
- justify-content-start
- justify-content-center
- justify-content-space-between
- justify-content-space-around
- justify-content-space-evenly
- For flex displays following align items are provided ([size]-[align-items])
- align-items-baseline
- align-items-center
- align-items-flex-start
- align-items-flex-end
- align-items-stretch
- For flex displays following justify self are provided ([size]-[justify-self])
- justify-self-end
- justify-self-start
- justify-self-center
- justify-self-stretch
- justify-self-baseline
- For flex displays following align self are provided ([size]-[align-self])
- align-self-center
- align-self-start
- align-self-end
- align-self-stretch
- For flex displays, to set flex-wrap to "wrap" ([size]-[flex-wrap])
- flex-wrap
- For flex displays, to disable flex-shrink (by default it is enabled) ([size]-[flex-shrink])
- flex-shrink-disable
- For flex displays, to enable flex-grow (by default it is disabled) ([size]-[flex-grow])
- flex-grow-enable
- Text decoration none, this class should be given to the parent, whose anchor tags should have no text decoration ([size]-[text-decoration])
- text-decoration-none
- Text decoration none, this class should be given to the anchor tag itself ([size]-[text-decoration])
- text-decoration-none-self
- Following text alignment are provided ([size]-[text-alignment])
- text-align-start
- text-align-end
- text-align-left
- text-align-right
- text-align-center
- text-align-justify
- text-align-justify-all
- text-align-match-parent
- Following options for textarea element is available ([size]-[resize])
- resize-none
- resize-both
- resize-horizontal
- resize-vertical
- resize-block
- resize-inline
Some useful pre-made items are available here, which can be easily customized. Note: styles like padding, border, etc should be set manually, since they are very versatile.
- Form with two elements at each row and one row with content at center
<div class="s1-width-10 s1-display-flex-column">
<div class="s1-width-100 s1-display-flex-row s1-justify-content-start s1-align-items-center">
<div class="s1-width-30">Label</div>
<div class="s1-width-70">
<input type="text" class="s1-width-100">
<div class="s1-width-100 s1-display-flex-row s1-justify-content-center s1-align-items-center">
<input type="submit" value="send">