This is still in development and not ready for use. Use at your own risk
WP-HamlPHP allows you to use HAML (powered by hamlphp/HamlPHP) in your templates, instead of embedded PHP — which always turns into a horrible mess as soon as your application is more complicated than “Hello World”.
It’s powered by hamlphp/HamlPHP, which is a port of HAML, as developed for use with Ruby on Rails.
WP-HamlPHP should work seamlessly with themes that don’t support it. When your theme’s templates are being loaded, WP-HAML will look for a file named .haml (eg: search.haml, comments.haml) and, if one is found, it will look for a cached version, if no cached version is found or it’s outdated, it will load and execute the template, bypassing Wordpress’s normal template loader.
If no .haml.php file is found, WP-HamlPHP will return control to the Wordpress template loader, which will load the original template file.
The upshot: You can leave WP-HamlPHP enabled for themes which don’t support it, and you can use it to implement bits of HAML in a theme that is otherwise normal. It should be pretty easy to port your theme to HAML in your spare time!
- Request comes in, and is passed to template loader
- Plugin intercepts reqest and checks to see if there’s a matching haml template
- If there is, the compiled-templates folder is checked to see if it has already been compiled. If it has, it is executed immediately
- If it hasn’t, or the compiled version is outdated, the HAML is parsed, converted to embedded PHP which is savedto the compiled-templates folder and executed
The compiled templates aren’t static files: they’re PHP scripts, so WP-HamlPHP shouldn’t intefere with any cacheing plugins that you may be using.
- Create a directory named ‘templates’ in the root of your theme directory. This is where you HAML templates will be stored.
- Create a directory named ‘partials’ in the HAML template directory.
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