- Attachments, multiple recipients, cc, bcc - the standard stuff
- Embedded Images
- Plays well with Unicode
- Easy OOP approach
- Supports Python 2 and 3 (with six)
pip install strudelpy
from strudelpy import SMTP, Email
smtpclient = SMTP('smtp.example.com', 456, 'myuser', 'muchsecret', ssl=True)
with smtpclient as smtp:
sender='[email protected],
recipients=['[email protected]', '[email protected]'],
subject='The Subject Matters',
text='Plain text body',
html='HTML body'
Strudelpy consists mainly of two objects: SMTP
to manage connections to SMTP
servers, and Email to encapsulate an email message.
Unless using SMTP objects with with
, you'll need to login()
and close()
the connection.
You can then send emails using the Email
email = Email(sender='[email protected],
recipients=['[email protected]', '[email protected]'],
cc=['[email protected]'],
bcc=['[email protected]'],
subject='The Subject Matters',
text='Plain text body',
html='HTML body',
Emails can use embedded images by including tags like this in the html content:
<img src="cid:filename.jpg">
Look at the tests/tests.py file for examples.
The Email class can be used to construct emails to be delivered via the Gmail (or other) api:
email = Email(
sender="[email protected]",
recipients=['[email protected]'],
subject='The Subject Matters',
html='Dear so and so',
_message = {'raw': base64.urlsafe_b64encode(
bytes(email.get_payload(), 'utf-8')
client = get_gmail_client_thingy()
client.users().messages().send(userId='me', body=_message).execute()
(v0.3.8): It's possible to pass a specific TLS version (ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS*) to the SMTP init, as well as function to work on the context if required (like setting min/max TLS versions, cert location etc.). By default the default context is generated.
: e.g. ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2
: Any function that receives SSLContext instance as first argument.
This test suite relies on the existence of a SMTP server, real or fake to connect to. By default it will attempt to connect to a 'fake' one that can be run using:
sudo python -m smtpd -n -c DebuggingServer localhost:25
Set TEST_CONFIG_NAME to one of the keys in TEST_CONFIGURATIONS to test a specific configuration
- Fix tests to use a fake smtp server by default
- Your issues???
StrudelPy was created because I needed just that kind of functionality, in that exact way. I had an itch and my searches for a scratcher did not produce anything suitable. I took some inspiration from an older similar project of mine from way back in 2007, and Pyzmail which was nice but not as simple as I'd like to have had it. However after releasing I've found out about mailthon which shares the same motives and motivation behind StrudelPy. I might have not done this had I known about Mialthon.
And by the way, StrudelPy is named after the at
sign: @, which in Israel is called "The Strudel"...