Our project aims at creating a pipepline which will be able to read sheet music from music tabs via a camera/photo/image. It will also play the music notes after they are detected by the algorithm.
Change directory to
folder. Run the notebook namedsheetMusic.ipynb
All the test cases we had used are included in the folder
with their corresponding outputs indata/output
No additional test case is to be downloaded.
To Give New Input Test Cases
- Add the image to the
folder - Change the fileName in the cell under the Input Section in the Notebook
- Add the image to the
Give sample outputs - both success and failure cases for the techniquie you have used.
Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Xmh1kjs6S_Kzw2tGlPJLIosA2-UUl-Lz
Presentation Link: https://iiitaphyd-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/tanmay_b_research_iiit_ac_in/ESiX3GYP-nJCnK0Zm7QRvBIBq_6l2Psj0NCs0q9X7GtMIQ?rtime=z0jx8mvR2kg
Used for learning techniques to detect music notes and synthesis music from the detected notes