Helper functions to programmatically create an Element, apply classes, ID, attributes and Styles through one function call.
The helpers.js file contains four functions
applyStyle(el, property, value, unit)
This function is used to apply a single style to an HTML element, the syntax to apply the style would be
applyStyle(document.getElementById('rect'), 'left', 20, 'px');
Unit is an optional parameter as some styles dont need unit -> example => background: rgba(100,100,100,100)
applyStyleObj(el, styleObjArr)
This function is used to apply a multiple styles to an HTML element, the syntax to apply the style would be
applyStyleObj(rect, [
{property: 'left', value: event.clientX, unit: 'px'},
{property: 'top', value: event.clientY, unit: 'px'}
This function takes in an object array of styles with property, value and unit. Unit is optional as some styles dont need it -> example => color: blue
appendElement(parent_element, element_type, classList, ID, attributeArr)
This function is used to create and append an element to the DOM
// class array, ID and attribute array are all optional
appendElement(body, 'div');
// following is with class array
appendElement(body, 'div', ["rect"]);
// following is with id
appendElement(body, 'div', ["rect"], "rect");
// for attribute array, attribute array is array of objects {type: 'custom_attribute', value: 'custom_value'}
All class Array, ID and attribute array are optional
randomInt(min, max)
This function is used to generate a random integer in the given range