Splash Screen | On Boarding 1 | On Boarding 2 |
On Boarding 3 | On Boarding 4 | Global Data |
AnyChart Graph | Country Data | |
- Retrofit - A type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java.
- AnyChart - Data Visualization library for easily creating interactive charts in Android apps.
- Glide - Open Source framework for image loading in Android.
- Chip Navigation Bar - A navigation bar widget inspired on Google Bottom Navigation mixed with Chips component.
- Lottie Animations - Lightweight, scalable animations for website and apps.
The Covid-19 Tracker App is a mobile application development worn to trace the Covid-19 exposition all over the countries. This program is mainly built to establish the current situation of Covid19 during this pandemic. Covid-19 Tracker App is an Android based application. As everyone are aware the world is facing one of the unconditional outbreaks. The outburst of Covid-19 during this time period is to design and develop Covid-19 Tracker Android App using REST API which will track the Global Stats and gives the probability of total number of active cases, recovered cases and death rates in all countries around the world. The app helps to overcome the overall accuracy and providing the probability of covid cases in states, districts and cities cases are derived with the help of APIs (Application Program Interface) data provided from the various 3rd party websites. The execution of app takes place in the emulator window which supports Android mobile application devices to run through Android environment. The app is designed only to track the cases that are presently running in every country. By this, application plays a major role in providing result.
The android app lets you:
- Icon real-time Tracking: Be aware of high-risk areas around you and monitor how quickly the virus is spreading in your city.
On Android versions Covid-Tracker app requires the following permissions:
- Full Network Access.
- View Network Connections.
- Run at startup.
- Read and write access to external storage.
Covid-19 Tracker app is a free and open source project developed by volunteers. Any contributions are welcome. Here are a few ways you can help:
- Report bugs and make suggestions.
- Translate the app (you don't have to create an account).
- Write some code. Please follow the code style used in the project to make a review process faster.
Covid-19 Statistics Graph API Retrofit2 AnyChart Glide Chip Navigation Bar Lottie Animations Mask Java Countries Android Android-application Covid19-data Covid19-tracker
If you want to contact me you can reach me at :
- LinkedIn Account: https://www.linkedin.com/in/haseebansari/
- G-mail Account: [email protected]