A game project using Raspberry Pi, along with Gertboard and PiFace chips.
How to use: (Alpha 0.1)
1- Run server, the default port is hard coded for now as 4444.
2- Run Three Clients, passing your name as command line argument.
3- The server will wait for three clients to connect then will start game.
Note: The server will only send message but not start game (not yet implpemented).
Term Project:
A Home Automation System... where a raspberry pi is connected to sensors and leds, acting as a household lights and motion/temperature sensor.
1- Setup hardware connection according to the mapping diagram
2- Run the server.jar with super user on the RPi e.g. "sudo server.jar"
Options: The user can specify port to host the sever on e.g. "sudo server.jar 1234"
3- Run the client.jar on another device. Must have a display otherwise the gui will not work.
Client Does not require super user. e.g. "client.jar"
Options: Can specify IP and port to connect to as command line argument, e.g. "client.jar 4444"