Catalog and analyze transmissions from devices recorded in rtl_433 JSON logs
catalogs and characterizes ISM-band devices in your neighborhood using data from the JSON log file generated by rtl_433
. It processes rtl_433 JSON log files to:
- read the recorded packet information from the log file(s),
- catalog all devices recorded in the log(s),
- count the packets and consolidate redundant packets into individual transmissions,
- summarize the statistics about packet signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) and radio frequencies (Freq), the gap times between transmissions (ITGT), and the packets per transmission (PPT).
Sample output looks like this:
Processing ISM 433MHz messages recorded by rtl_433
Including SNR Stats
Including ITGT Stats
Including Freq Stats
Excluding TPMS devices
Processing file xaa.json
Processed 20000 Packets as 6952 De-Duplicated Transmissions in 0.22sec
Packets dated from Thu 2022-06-09 07:08:27 to Thu 2022-06-09 19:46:16
Signal-to-Noise Inter-Transmission Gap Time Frequency (MHz) Packets per Transmit
Device model/channel/id _________________________________ _______________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________
#Pkts Mean ± 𝜎 Min Max #Gaps Mean ± 𝜎 Min Max #Pkts Mean ± 𝜎 Min Max #Xmits Mean ± 𝜎 Min Max
Acurite-01185M/0/0 4 9.6 ± 4.9 6.4 16.9 3 3678.7s ± 2812.7 434.0 5425.0 4 433.911 ± 0.017 433.902 433.936 3 1.0 ± 0.0 1 1
Acurite-606TX//134 858 8.4 ± 2.1 5.5 20.0 857 53.0s ± 139.2 30.0 2573.0 858 433.901 ± 0.009 433.863 433.962 857 1.0 ± 0.0 1 1
Acurite-609TXC//194 8006 19.3 ± 0.5 12.3 21.2 1356 33.5s ± 0.7 33.0 49.0 8006 433.931 ± 0.002 433.922 433.950 1356 5.9 ± 0.4 2 6
Acurite-Tower/A/11524 8203 19.2 ± 0.5 13.2 20.8 2752 16.5s ± 2.5 15.0 33.0 8203 433.950 ± 0.002 433.926 433.955 2752 3.0 ± 0.2 1 3
LaCrosse-TX141Bv3/1/253 597 8.4 ± 1.3 5.7 19.2 347 109.9s ± 338.9 31.0 4216.0 597 433.904 ± 0.003 433.863 433.945 347 1.7 ± 0.5 1 2
LaCrosse-TX141THBv2/0/168 1536 9.6 ± 1.1 6.0 19.2 837 54.2s ± 14.7 49.0 150.0 1536 433.961 ± 0.004 433.862 433.966 837 1.8 ± 0.4 1 2
Markisol/0/0 39 19.1 ± 1.2 12.3 20.2 38 1053.5s ± 1532.1 33.0 6633.0 39 433.932 ± 0.002 433.928 433.936 38 1.0 ± 0.0 1 1
Markisol/0/256 20 19.3 ± 0.4 18.5 20.2 19 2108.7s ± 3625.7 33.0 14070.0 20 433.931 ± 0.002 433.927 433.936 19 1.0 ± 0.0 1 1
Markisol/1/0 36 19.2 ± 0.5 17.6 20.0 35 1009.8s ± 1550.0 67.0 6801.0 36 433.931 ± 0.002 433.927 433.934 35 1.0 ± 0.0 1 1
Prologue-TH/2/203 699 11.6 ± 1.3 7.2 19.5 698 64.9s ± 32.7 52.0 477.0 699 433.864 ± 0.008 433.859 433.943 698 1.0 ± 0.0 1 1
Issue the command rtl_433_stats -i <JSON filename>
to generate the report. Note that the input file specification may include wildcards and/or compressed files (.gz or .bz2). Use -i
with no file specification for stdin.
Issue the command rtl_433_stats -h
to see command-line options:
usage: rtl_433_stats [-h] [-i [FILE ...]] [-o {SNR,ITGT,Freq,PPT} [{SNR,ITGT,Freq,PPT} ...]] [-x NOISE] [-w WINDOW] [-T] [-v]
Analyze rtl_433 JSON logs to catalog the devices seen and to characterize
statistically their signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), times between
transmissions (ITGT),tradio frequency (Freq), and packets per transmission (PPT).
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i [FILE ...], --input [FILE ...]
Path to JSON log files to read in; can be .gz; can be wildcard; blank if <stdin>
-o {SNR,ITGT,Freq,PPT} [{SNR,ITGT,Freq,PPT} ...], --omit {SNR,ITGT,Freq,PPT} [{SNR,ITGT,Freq,PPT} ...]
-x NOISE, --exclude_noise NOISE
Exclude device records with fewer than 'NOISE' packets seen
-w WINDOW, --xmt_window WINDOW
Max time in sec for a packet group to be considered as one transmission (default: None)
-T, --include_TPMS include tire pressure monitors in catalog (default: False)
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
In practice and for log files recorded over long periods, the log file may contain records for devices seen only sporadically: tire pressure monitor systems, security systems, automobile remotes, etc. These may make the report long and difficult to read. Some options help customize the reports:
- By default, tire pressure monitoring systems (TPMS) are excluded from reports: use
to include them. - All other devices recorded in the log file(s) are included in the report by default. Use the
-x n
option to exclude from the report any device with less thann
packets in the logs (typically n=10 to 100 seem to be most useful). - The default report with all four characteristics is fairly wide. It can be narrowed by omitting one or more of the characteristics with the
option followed bySNR
, and/orPPT
to specify which reports to omit. - By default, packets broadcast by a single device within a 2-second window are considered to be one transmission. The
-w n
option, n in seconds, can be used to change that window, affecting the ITGT and PPT reports.
If you've configured logrotate
to compress and archive your rtl_433
log files, you can process the .gz log files directly with the file specification to rtl_433_stats
, and you can select just a set of files with wildcards. For example, specify -i /var/log/rtl_433/rtl_433.json-202303*.gz
to generate a report for just March, 2023.
reads the JSON log file created by rtl_433 (recommend to stop rtl_433 so that the JSON log file is closed for processing). The observed devices, as recorded in the JSON file in temporal order, are cataloged in alphabetical order in a summary table along with a count of the number of packets and de-duplicated transmissions seen for that device and with basic statistics for that device:
- count of samples,
- mean,
- std deviation,
- min value seen, and
- max value seen
for these device characteristics:
- signal-to-noise ratio over all packets (SNR),
- inter-transmission gap times (ITGT): the time between successive transmissions by that device,
- radio frequency of transmissions (Freq) over all packets from that device,
- the number of packets per transmission (PPT).
A command-line option allows the de-selection of any or all of these statistics reports (default is to report all four).
A device "transmission" represents one observation but may contain 1 to 6 or more "packets", and transmissions are frequently initiated by remote sensor devices at approximately 15-second, 30-second, or 60-second intervals. These are simplex communication devices -- the remote device sends data and receives no acknowledgement from the receiver that it has received the data. In high-traffic neighborhoods, the signals from the various devices may interfere with each other. Sending redundant packets increases the probability that a receiving device will successfully receive at least one packet in the transmission.
assumes that packets from the same device within a default setting of 2 seconds of each other were repeated for reliability and represent one transmission. Override that 2-second window with the -w n
SNR and frequency data are averaged over all packets; transmission gap times and packets per transmission are averaged over transmissions (grouped packets).
The key string for cataloging a device and labeling device in the report lines is the concatenation of the JSON 'model'/'channel'/'id' fields from the received data record.
tracks packet times per device so that data for transmissions from different devices are separated and tranmission statistics for individual devices are more reliable in high-traffic areas.
While processing the JSON log files, rtl_433_stats
monitors the "battery_ok" and "status" flags for each device (if present in the packets) and prints an alert that there has been a change in condition in the remote device. Generally a 1-->0 change in "battery_ok" indicates a low voltage on the battery and suggests that the battery should be changed. The values of "status" vary by device and are generally not well documented, but the program notes them for you in case further investigation is justified.
- Use git to clone the distribution from Github,
- Connect to the download directory
- Type
python3 rtl_433_stats -i xaa.json
and compare its output with the filexaa-output.rpt
to ensure that it is functioning correctly.
After verifying that rtl_433_stats
is functioning correctly with test data, you may want to configure your rtl_433
config file to record data from your own RTL_SDR dongle. For example, add something like the following to your rtl_433.conf
output json:/var/log/rtl_433/rtl_433.json
(and create and assign ownership to /var/log/rtl_433/ if necessary) and then restart rtl_433.
The first packet from a device during a transmission interval (individually or as the first in a transmission packet) may have a distorted SNR because of a high auto-gain on the receiving RTL_SDR dongle. Some devices issue just one packet per transmission and others issue 3-6. No fix anticipated.
The tools
directory contains two Python scripts that may be useful for extracting records from the JSON log files for more detailed analysis:
extracts from a JSON log file all records for one or more specific devices into a separate file. Devices are identified by the "model/channel/id" keyword identifier in thertl_433_stats
extracts from a JSON log file and into CSV format the values of fields specified on the command line. The output is labeled with the "model/channel/id" identifier. A header line identifying the extracted fields prefaces the data to allow easy importing into spreadsheet programs.
A reduced-functionality version of rtl_433_stats
is available as a c-language version in the directory c-version
as the program snr
. That program analyzes only signal-to-noise ratios and does not have the options for selecting records to be processed, but it may be useful in some circumstances (and is much faster in execution).
David Todd, [email protected], 2022.05; v2.1 2023.04; v2.2 2024.08 adds support for both ISO and Unix Epoch time stamps in the JSON log file.