Telegram Deezer Bot
clone this repo or dow whatever and make this repo private
Install the required packages using "pip install -r requirements.txt"
do this thing in
api_id = "<your_telegram_api_id>"
api_hash = "<your_telegram_api_hash>"
bot_token = "<your_telegram_bot_token>"
service_file = "client_secrets.json" no need to rename this thing,leave as it is
db_url = "<your_mongodb_connection_string>"
deezer_api = "<your_deezer_api_key>" SERVICE_FILE_URL= index link of client_secrets.json deezer api means deezer ARL TRACK_TOKEN=same as deezer api(ARL)
Run the bot using python3
for db url you can follow this step first create account in mongo db then assign or create a user in it
for service account
remove already present client_secrets.json go to google cloud console create a service account and download that service account file in json format rename that json file to "client_secrets.json" upload that client_secrets.json file to your repository don't forget to add your service account in your shared drive with content manager/manager permissions
for google drive support for eg i got this link my teamdrive /shared drive is 0AMjb_3kLleNAUk9PVA so just put this string "0AMjb_3kLleNAUk9PVA"
to get folder id means create any folder and get id of that folder for eg i got this link so my folder id is 1yltuyFBLxUPmwVPDd5tlx0zL4z0BKr8A
for index link
copy index link of your folder from which you have got id