This codebase has been created to set up a full serverless application stack, where users will be able to add items to a list and view this list.
User can create an item object and view all items.
- View all the created items stored in backend
- Add a new item
Developed Application is already deployed in AWS Platform with my credentials, you can access lambda functions to add new item and to get all items from below URL:
To Add New item:
To get all items:
Serverless-Backend: NodeJS, AWS Lambda, DynamoDB Frontend: HTML, CSS, ReactJS
For more information on how this works with other frontends/backends, clone this repo and follow instructions.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine.
Explain how to install all development dependencies.
git clone
cd serverless-application
npm i
- Install serverless:
npm install -g serverless
npm start
It starts project on http://localhost:3000/
- Once development server is running, an UI can be accessed on URL http://localhost:3000/
- Add new items.
- Get all items.
Note: If you want to deploy serverless application in your AWS platform, follow these instructions below:
Setup IAM user at to get AWS access ID and secret key.
Configure your ACCESS_ID and Secret key to serverless with the command:
serverless config credentials --provider aws --key YOU_ACCESS_KEY --secret YOUR_SECRET_KEY
Navigate to serverless-application/backend and run these command to deploy:
serverless deploy
orsls deploy
Once application is deployed, we get 2 endpoints POST and GET.
Update the variables post_url and get_url in serverless-application/src/App.js with POST and GET Url we got before.
Navigate to serverless-application and run
npm start
. -
Access your user interface on http://localhost:3000/