This is a plugin for Fronius Inverters
1.0.0 - 1.0.4: First version 1.0.5 - 1.0.7: Testing with - power usage 1.1 - null check for current power usage 1.2 - Changed Eve stats from 9 min to 10 min. 1.3 - Fix Eve stats bug 1.4 - Trying to fix Unreachable prolem when inverter goes offline at night.
"platforms": [
"name": "Fronius Inverter Energy",
"ip": "192.168.0.X",
"UpdateTime": 5,
"MaxProduction": 10000,
"ViewElectricPowerProduction": false,
"EveLoging": false,
"Debug": false,
"platform": "FroniusInverterEnergy"