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Development Environment Setup and Configurations

Etimbuk U edited this page Jun 9, 2020 · 5 revisions


  • A GitHub account
  • Git installed
  • Docker installed with 8GB+ memory assigned to it
  • Ask a team member for copies of idam and shared-db private images. A few of us have these as it reduces the wait time and allows new developers have their environments setup whilst waiting to get access to the different services we use.

Setup Steps

  • Clone the FPLA project. From the terminal run git clone

  • Change directory into the just cloned project by running cd fpl-ccd-configuration

  • Initialise the fpla-docker repository, run the below two commands

    • git submodule init
    • git submodule update
  • Copy over the private docker images (see prerequisites) into this (ccd-docker) directory

  • Change directory into the fpla-docker (You should be in fpl-ccd-configuration at this point) and load the private docker images copied in the previous step. Images can be loaded by running docker load -i [IMAGE_NAME]

  • Whilst still in fpla-docker directory, run the following commands

    • ./ccd enable backend frontend sidam sidam-local sidam-local-ccd dm-store
    • docker network create ccd-network
    • ./ccd compose up -d
    • ./bin/
  • Now navigate to parent directory, cd ..

  • Add required services, [email protected] IDAM_ADMIN_PASSWORD=**ASK A TEAM MEMBER FOR THE VALUE** ./bin/configurer/

  • Add roles, [email protected] IDAM_ADMIN_PASSWORD=**ASK A TEAM MEMBER FOR THE VALUE** ./bin/configurer/

  • Add users, ./bin/configurer/

  • Enable CCD definitions, ./bin/

  • Generate custom user mappings ./bin/

  • Give it 2-5 minutes (just enough time!) for services to initialise

  • Open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:3451 (for ccd web interface) or http://localhost:3333 (for ExUI).