by Coby Viner
All scripts contain a detailed description, explaining their purpose and usage.
is the main script.
Cytomod itself can be used by providing it with an unmodified genome assembly and track datasets indicating which nucleobases to modify. This is described in detail from its Usage documentation, which we also provide below:
usage: [-h]
[--archiveOutDir ARCHIVEOUTDIR]
[--archiveOutName ARCHIVEOUTNAME] [-r REGION]
[-p PRIORITY] [-b | -B] [--BEDOutDir BEDOUTDIR]
[-f [FASTAFILE]] [-I] [--mh] [--fC] [--fc]
[-M [MASKREGIONS]] [--maskAllUnsetRegions] [-v] [-V]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
The genome data archive. It must contain all needed
sequence and track files. If one is not yet created,
use '-d' instead to create it.
Two arguments first specifying the directory
containing the genome and then the directory
containing all modified base tracks. The genome
directory must contain (optionally Gzipped) FASTA
files of chromosomes and/or scaffolds. The sequence
files must end in either a ".fa" or ".mask" extension
(with an optional ".gz" suffix). The track directory
must contain (optionally Gzipped) genome tracks. They
must have an extension describing their format. We
currently support: ".wig", ".bed", and ".bedGraph".
Provided BED files must have exactly four columns. The
fourth column must be numeric. Any rows with a data
value of zero will be ignored (this does not apply to
masking; see '-M'), except that such positions will be
considered as having evidence against that particular
modification (e.g. will be considered as 'set' and
will therefore not be masked by '--
maskAllUnsetRegions'). The filename of each track must
specify what modified nucleobase it pertains to; one
of: ['5mC', '5hmC', '5fC', '5caC']. Track names can
also be of ambiguity codes (e.g. "5xC") on the
positive strand only. Such tracks directly specify
ambiguous loci. If multiple tracks of the same type
are provided, all such tracks will be added to the
archive. The output sequence will default to the union
of all of the same modification type (but see '-I').
Alternatively, the track name can contain MASK, in
which case masking can be used via '-M' (refer to that
option for details). Instead of a track directory, a
single filename that meets the aforementioned
requirements may be provided if the archive is to
contain only one track. Ensure that all tracks are
mapped to the same assembly and that this assembly
matches the genome provided. This will create a genome
data archive in an "archive" sub-directory of the
provided track directory. Use '-G' instead to use an
existing archive.
Only applicable if '-d' is used. The directory in
which to save the created genome data archive. If not
specified, this defaults to the directory containing
the tracks (i.e. the second argument provided to
'-d'). This defaults to archive.
Only applicable if '-d' is used. The name of the
archive (i.e. the name of the directory which
comprises the genome data archive).
-r REGION, --region REGION
Only output the modified genome for the given region.
This can either be via a file or a region
specification string. In the latter case, the region
must be specified in the format:
chrm<ID>:<start>-<end> (ex. chr1:500-510). If a file
is being provided, it can be in any BEDTools-supported
file format (BED, VCF, GFF, and Gzipped versions
thereof). The full path to the file should be provided
(or just the file name for the current directory).
If used in conjunction with '-r', only output the
modified genome for the given base pair interval
(defaults to 500 bp), centered around the given
region. NB: This region does not necessarily
correspond to the centre of the peak, since the
region's start and end coordinates alone are used to
find the centre, as opposed to any peak information
(from a narrowPeaks file, for example).
Output the modified genome for a random region. The
chrmomsome will be randomly selected and its
coordinate space will be randomly and uniformly
sampled. A length for the random region can either be
specified or it will otherwise be set to a reasonably
small default. The length chosen may constrain the
selection of a chromosome.
-A {m,M,u,l}, --alterIncludedChromosomes {m,M,u,l}
Include or exclude chromosome types. 'u': Use only
autosomal chromosomes (excludes chrM). 'l': Use only
allosomal chromosomes (excludes chrM). 'm': Use only
the mitochondrial chromosome. 'M': Include the
mitochondrial chromosome. NB: default chromosomal
exclusions include: unmapped data, haplotypes, and
chrM. This parameter will be ignored if a specific
genomic region is queried via '-r', but will be
considered if a file of genomic regions is provided
(also via '-r').
-p PRIORITY, --priority PRIORITY
Specify the priority of modified bases. The default
is:fhmcwxyz, which is based upon the resolution of the
biological protocol (i.e. single-base > any chemical >
any DIP).
-b, --suppressBED Do not generate any BED tracks.
-B, --onlyBED Only generate any BED tracks (i.e. do not output any
sequence information). Note that generated BED files
are always appended to and created in the CWD
irrespective of the use of this option. This parameter
is ignored if '-f' is used.
Only applicable if '-b' is not used. The directory in
which to save the created BED tracks. If not
specified, this defaults to the current working
-f [FASTAFILE], --fastaFile [FASTAFILE]
Output to a file instead of STDOUT. Provide a full
path to a file to append the modified genome in FASTA
format. If this parameter is invoked without any
arguments, a default filename will be used within the
current directory. This will override the '-B'
parameter (i.e. a FASTA file with always be produced).
The output file will be Gzipped iff the path provided
ends in ".gz".
-I, --intersection If multiple files of the same modification type are
given, take their intersection. This option is used to
override the default, which is to take their union.
-v, --verbose increase output verbosity
-V, --version show program's version number and exit
Ambiguous Modification:
Specify that some of the data provided for a given modified base is unable
to differentiate between some number of modifications. This ensures that
Cytomod outputs the correct ambiguity code such that modified genomes do
not purport to convey greater information than they truly contain. The
most general applicable ambiguities should be specified. Therefore, each
modified nucleobase may reside in at most one specified set of
--mh Specify that input data is not able to differentiate
between 5mC and 5hmC. This would be the case if the
data originated from a protocol which only included
conventional bisulfite sequencing.
--fC Specify that input data is not able to differentiate
between 5fC and C. This would be the case if the data
originated from a protocol which only included
oxidative bisulfite sequencing.
--fc Specify that input data is not able to differentiate
between 5fC and 5caC. This would be the case if the
data originated from a protocol which only included
M.SssI methylase-assisted bisulfite sequencing.
Hard mask C/G nucleobases to unknown state. Assumes
that the archive contains or is being built with a
trackname containing "MASK". The containing loci will
be interpreted as nucleobases of unknown modification
state. They will be accordingly set to the appropriate
(maximally) ambiguous base. This will override any
other modifications at those loci. This parameter can
accept an optional argument, indicating a value at and
below which the locus is considered ambiguous. If not
provided, this defaults to 0. An example use case for
this option would be to use a mask file containing
coverage information and to mask all bases of
insufficient coverage.
Hard mask all C/G nucleobases without any modification
information to unknown state. Masked nucleobases are
those lacking data, that is, bases not present in the
archive nor in any files used to generate an archive.
Set, but unmodified, bases can be provided, within any
modified genomic interval file with a value of 0. See
'-d' for further details. Unset modifiable bases will
be accordingly set to the appropriate (maximally)
ambiguous base. This will override any other
modifications at those loci. An example use case for
this option would be when using array data, for which
only a subset of bases are queried.