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Koji Hirano edited this page Nov 6, 2016 · 3 revisions

Rakuten React kit

What is Rakuten React kit?

Rakuten React kit (RRK) is a starter kit for both beginners and advanced users, a collection of tools and setup oriented towards live programming environment and a way of understanding state and view relation with an emphasis on functional programming concepts.

FIgure 1 Venn diagram

Starter kit

The starter kit provides a quick and simple way to get started with developing SPAs (Single Page Applications) in React by following RRK's functional philosophy and type safety.

To get started is sufficient to clone the repository and run npm start.

With just one command you whole live programming environment with all its dependencies to build and run a RRK application will be ready.

No global dependencies

All the npm modules and dependencies are locally installed and contained inside your node_modules folder. You don't need to install any task runner or other tools.

What is inside?

RRK is based on the following technologies:

Live programming environment

RRK leverages the use Webpack's HMR to provide a pre-configured live programming environment.

Your code changes are pushed in real-time to the browser, without reloading and keeping the state of your application intact. If you write your code in the RRK style, this will work even with the router.


What is good about the RRK?

Simple component

Component is basically a Stateless functional component. Because it does not have a state you can write a simple code.

Simple asynchronous processing

Asynchronous processing is described in the middleware, only to update the store. redux-thunk, do not use, such as redux-saga.