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Advent of Code 2021 in Dart

This is my attempt to solve the Advent of Code 2021 using Dart. My idea to do this in Dart came from my first experience with Flutter which I find a very interesting approach to frontend and app development. I do not really like Dart, as for my taste it looks to much like the mess C# has become and not enough like elegant Go (missing stuff like multiple return values, anonymous structs in test cases, the ease of using JSON, ...). Still, it is not too bad, the named parameters make Flutter code readable, the magic around constructors does help to ease the yoke of a full-blown OOP language.

So, in order to better understand Dart, the Advent of Code looked like a good idea. I started late on day 6 on my spare time, and while my understanding of Dart seems to be growing every day, this is not picture perfect Dart code. So please do not let yourself be misguided on your Dart journey. If you have suggestions on how to do thinks better, I would be pleased to learn from you :)

Day 1

Until today I never processed a file in Dart. A bit of searching led me to the stream based approach that seems to be idiomatic Dart:

final file = File('input.txt');
  Stream<String> lines =

This in turn led me to write a stream transformer collecting the sliding window sums. The of course the counting of the increases could be done using the stream's fold method. So already for day 1 I learned a lot about Dart streams I did not know beforehand :)

Day 2

The stream based approach using fold still works. Also, I learned to use regular expressions in Dart.

Day 3

For the first part, the stream's fold method was sufficient again. For the second part I first tried to implement a StreamTransformer that does the narrowing down, but then realized that I need to keep the whole list in memory anyway, so I resorted to a simple list-based approach. I have the feeling this could have been done better though...

Day 4

Learned about the try { ... } on SomeTypeException catch (e) { ... } syntax. I miss Go's defer to always do _lineNo++ on exiting parseLine(). On the other hand, my code in Go would probably be less well structured as this Dart code. That allowed me to easily add the last winning board logic in step two.

Day 5

In step 2 I realized that I should have followed Eric's lead to just draw the lines into a map, instead of the complex and test intensive OOP monster I created. Still, it works. But next time, I will go for the simple and stupid approach. Really.

Day 6

This is the exponential growth trap. And who does not know about it nowadays in times of the pandemic? Still, for step 1 I let myself led by input format, using that to represent the state of the fish population. Which of course does not work for 256 days. So, the input format has to be replaced by something more up to the job - a list of counts by "fish state" (0 to 8).

I also learned something about Dart's lists. If you use this, the number of elements in the list cannot be changed (in Dart speak it is not growable):

final List<int> _counts = List.filled(9, 0);

But my day() method left-shifts _counts, and then adds the new fish at the end, and also adds to position 6 the count of the fishes that spawn. So I have to write:

final List<int> _counts = List.filled(9, 0, growable: true);

Interesting. That is how Dart tries to cope with the absence of real arrays then ;)

Day 7

This time I learned about the ~/ operator for integer division. Other than that I think for step two it was important complexity-wise to use the closed term (dist + 1) * dist ~/ 2 for the fuel cost of one move instead of a for loop. Also, my first idea was something like a binary search to reduce time complexity, but nevertheless the straightforward approach worked fine.

Day 8

Learned about type qualification using the is operator. Also about what to override in order to efficiently use a type as a key for Map. Java is calling ;) For step 2 I again wasted a lot of time on trying to build some algorithmic learning crap. Then I reconsidered, and resorted to dynamic programming. There are only 7! = 5040 different mappings of the segments to each other. To generate the lookup map, I used Dart's recursive generator feature using yield*. Came in handy here.

Day 9

In the second part I had a bit of a bad gut feeling about how to count basins that are separated from their neighbour not by a 9. But the input contains lot of nines, and my recursive implementation worked just fine. I start to like List's expressiveness, e.g. here

sizes.reversed.take(3).fold(1, (product, size) => product * size)

Day 10

That one felt easy to me, as I was lucky starting with a parser stack that I could then use to solve part 2.

Day 11

Again, Dart's generator construct looks like it was just added for algorithmic gymnastics like these, where I need to iterate over an octopuses' neighbours.

Iterable<Point<int>> neighbours(int x, int y) sync* { ... }

Other than that, not much to see here.

Day 12

It is a good thing that two big caves are never connected. Other than that, in part 2 I first got a stack overflow. As my visited set is passed up and down the call stack it has to be left clean. I did forget that if I was using a small cave twice, it must not be removed from the visited set. With a functional implementation I would not have run into this bug.

Day 13

The pattern of using the parser on a stream continues to work well. Other than that, nothing to see here. I was a bit unsure if the part two also asks us to implement some kind of character recognition, but I decided to ignore that doubt ;)

Day 14

Part two took me some thinking. Good thing is I was traveling, so I was not able to waste to much time coding. The simple realization that I only need to count the insertions came to me while driving :D Other than that I learned the correct operator precedence for ?? through

elemCount[ch] = (elemCount[ch] ?? 0) + 1;

Try leaving the parentheses away and you will get surprising results.

Day 15

Choosing the A* algorithm turned out to work even for the expanded map in part two. Also, my Dart implementation of A* looks very readable to me.

Day 16

I learned a bit more about stream processing. If you write a recursive-descent parser, StreamIterator is a good fit.

Day 17

I overcomplicated this thing. Again a lesson about doing it simple first.

This smells like constraint programming. If we need the y velocity to be negative, we could reformulate the problem by always subtracting the target max y from the y velocity, so it can always be positive. We could also flip the x axis, if the target area is to the left. But looking at the input, all this can be ignored.

Still, with my limited math knowledge, I was not able to come up with a simple solver for this, as the formula is not linear thanks to drag and velocity. A few things are worth noting:

  • x always converges after x velocity steps
  • 1 is a good lower bound for the x velocity, as the target x values are positive
  • maxX is a good upper bound for the x velocity
  • minX is a good lower bound for the y velocity
  • for a positive initial y velocity, the "re-entry" velocity at y=0 is so high that when we take -minY as the initial y velocity, it will skip the target area. So we can use it as the upper bound for the y velocity.

Day 18

Almost straightforward. The complex definition of explode and split made unit tests necessary.

Day 19

Again, unit testing was absolutely necessary ;-) The difference in the merge loop in part two is due to me grudgingly accepting that somehow the input does not need to merge some two other scanners to be able to match at least one scanner with scanner 0. That made the tracking of the scanner positions easier. I start to appreciate how Dart helps me structure code.

Day 20

It all sounded straightforward. But what I did not understand at first was that the infinite background flips in the real input. First time I had to go hunting for hints on the subreddit.

Day 21

Part one and two felt a bit unrelated, with part two reminding me immediately about day 14. So we have to operate on the "universe counts". Implementing a good representation with Dart went well.

Day 22

Applied set theory. Dart's generator feature was again helpful. I start to grasp Dart's good expressiveness while maintaining readability.


Advent of Code 2021 in Dart







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