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A reactive UI lib.


super-x is a reactive UI lib which aims at being lightweight. To create interactive UIs, just declare them in a reactive way, and this lib will do the rest. More specifically, instead of using diff algorithm to find out what needs to be updated, super-x employs reactive declaration to directly declare reactive data in views.



Here is an example of a todo app:

const h = X.createElement;

// the item list
const $list = X.toReactive([]);

const ListItem = X.createComponent(($item, $index) => (
    h('li', {
        style: {
            textDecoration: $
               finished => finished ? 'line-through' : 'none'
        listeners: {
            click() {
                $list.replace($index, {
                    content: $item.content.current,
                    finished: !$item.finished.current,

function TodoApp() {
    // the reference of the input element
    const $inputRef = new X.ReactiveValue(null);
    // submission handler
    function submit() {
        const input = $inputRef.current,
            content = input.value;
        if (content) {
            $list.push({ content, finished: false });
            input.value = '';
        } else {
    // create DOM structure
    return X.Utils.createFragment([
        h('h1', null, 'TODO LIST'),
        h('form', { action: 'javascript:;', listeners: { submit } },
            h('input', { ref: $inputRef, placeholder: 'content' }),
            h('input', { type: 'submit', value: 'add' }),
        $list.toElement('ul', null, ListItem),