Query-based Multidimensional browsing Over Relational databases. [HUMLab facetted browser]
Somewhat cleaned up version of the QSEAD PHP application.
Swagger Node tool:
npm install -g swagger
npm install -g swagger-tools
npm install -g http-server
swagger yaml file reside under api/swagger
swagger project edit Opens swagger editor in a browser
swagger docs Opens https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/master/versions/2.0.md
file: index.php
This system is a faceted browsing system for the SEAD database.
Overall the systems is built using client-side javascript and html, and serverside PHP.
- Apache-webserver (http://projects.apache.org/projects/http_server.html)
- PHP7 (http://www.php.net)
- Database backend postgressql 9.x (http://www.postgresql.org/)
- PostGIS 1.4 (http://postgis.refractions.net/)
- Batik rasterizer (http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/batik/tools/rasterizer.html)
- jQuery http://jquery.com/
- REMOVED Highchart (educational use) http://www.highcharts.com/
##Postgres installation notes
- sudo apt-get install postgresql-8.4-postgis sudo su postgres createdb -p 5433 postgistemplate createlang -p 5433 plpgsql postgistemplate psql -p 5433 -d postgistemplate -f /usr/share/postgresql/8.4/contrib/postgis-1.5/postgis.sql
- psql -p 5433 -d postgistemplate -f /usr/share/postgresql/8.4/contrib/postgis-1.5/spatial_ref_sys.sql
- psql -p 5433 -d postgistemplate -c "SELECT postgis_full_version();"
- createdb -p 5433 -T postgistemplate -O ships ships
- pg_restore -p 5433 -d ships -U postgres ships.dump
##Batik rasterizer (jar-files):
- REMOVED Located in jslib/highchart/exporting_server/batik-1.7
##Directory permission notes:
- api/cache and subdirectories must have write permissionss
##Javascript libries: Own core libraries:
- <control_bar.js>
- <facet.discrete.js>
- <facet.geo.js>
- <facet.js>
- <facet.range.js>
- <layout.js>
- <main.js>
- <result.js>
- <slot.js>
- <user.js>
- <util.js>
##Result modules javascript libraries:
- REMOVED <diagram_module.js (SHIPS)>
- <list_module.js (SHIPS)>
- <map_module.js (SHIPS)>
##PHP-scripts used in ajax requests and request:
- <load_facet.php> loads facet information for different type of facets
- <load_result.php>; loads result_information for different types of results (map, table and diagram)
- <get_data_table.php>; get the result zip-file with tab-separated data and documentation into a zip-file
- <map_download.php>; get the map as png with a world-file as well as the placenames of the relevant polygons in the map.(parished or counties)
- <get_view_state.php>; get a view state from database to be used to recreate a view state
- <save_view_state.php>; saves a view_state into the database
- REMOVED <diagram_symbol.php>; renders a image based on color and type
- REMOVED (SEAD): <get_xy_statistics.php>; get a textfile with statistics for a point in the map
##The start-up parameters are: view_state - which view state to start from client_language - which language to be used sv_SE
##Initialization sequence:
- <interface.php> outlines properties and heading of the html-pagee
- MOVED TO index.php: layout.php - outlines the HTML-page
- Stylesheet used: style.css
- <get_facet_definitions.php> returns facet definitions as a JavScript object
- <get_result_definitions.php> returns result definitions as a JavScript object
- <language_init.php> - returns language dictionary
- REMOVED <script_config.php> load specific js-library for a application
- loads all js-libraries
Typical facet-oriented user activities:
- Add a facet from controlbar using <control_bar_click_callback> and also later <facet_create_facet> in <facet.js>
- Remove a facet using javascript function <facet_remove_facet> in <facet.js>
- Change ordering of facets by drag and drop starting with function <slot_action_callback>
- Minimize the size of a facet using <facet_collapse_toggle> in <facet.js>
- Restore the size of facet using <facet_collapse_toggle> in <facet.js>
- Make a selection in a discrete facet by clicking on row see <facet_row_clicked_callback> in <facet.js>
- Remove a selection in a discrete facet by clicking on row see <facet_row_clicked_callback> in <facet.js>
- Make a selection in a range(interval) facet by change the lower or upper limits (via text-forms or sliders).<facet_range_changed_callback> is called from the flash-component
- Make a selection in geo/mapfilter facet by adding a rectangle in the map-filter calling <facet_geo_marker_tool_click_callback> when selection rectangle is completed
- Remove a selection in the geo/mapfilter facet <facet_geo_get_marker_pair_by_marker> ,<facet_geo_points_is_within_critical_proximity> <facet_geo_destroy_marker_pair>
- Scroll in a discrete facet and when the client cache data does need to be populate <facet_load_data> is called in <facet.js>
General result-oriented user activities:
- Maximize the result area to make the area bigger <result_maximize>
- Restore the result area to fit it into the whole webpage (only when it is maximized)
- Activate the map view using <result_switch_view> with the "map" as a argument and later <result_render_view_map>
- Activate the diagram view <result_switch_view> with the "diagram" as a argument and later on <result_render_view_diagram>
- Activate the list view <result_switch_view> with the "list" as a argument and later <result_render_view_list>
- Change aggregation level for the result view (SHIPS) which triggeres <result_switch_view> and loads new data and renders the view
- Add a result variable for the result views triggering <result_switch_view> and loads new data and renders the view
- Remove a result variable for the result views triggering <result_switch_view> and loads new data and renders the view
Result list oriented user activities:
- Download zip-file with data and documentation by calling <get_data_table.php>
Result map oriented user activities (SHIPS):
- Select active variable for the thematic visualisation. Triggering <result_load_data>
- Set the year that the map should show using a time-bar. Triggering <result_map_time_bar_changed_callback> and later <result_load_data>
- Zoom and pan in the map.
- Download the thematic visualisation-layer with a historic background map using <map_download.php> with use_historic=true as PNG-image
- Download the thematic visualisation-layer using <map_download.php> as PNG-image
- Download coordinate file for map layer with a historic background map , via a link to a file on the server (pgw-file)
- Download coordinate file for map layer without background map via a link to a file on the server (pgw-file))
- Download legend as a image by calling <map_legend_image.php>
The client is mainly sending request to server using
- <facet_load_data> in <facet.js> for facet content (discrete values, intervals and geo-information)
- <result_load_data> in <result.js> for content into the result area (map, diagram and "list-like" information"
#Install dependencies
- Install or update composer (a PHP packade manager) https://getcomposer.org/ (e.g. C:/ProgramData/Composer/bin/composer.phar self-update)
- Install phing (a PHP build system) https://www.phing.info/, or donwnload phar file
- Clone PHPExcel at https://github.com/PHPOffice/PHPExcel
- Enable PHAR in php.ini:
; http://php.net/phar.readonly
phar.readonly = Off
- Build PHPExcel.phar:
php phing-latest.phar -f build.xml release-phar