An ultra-lightweight, zero-dependency package for very fast calculation
of geodesic distances. Main eponymous function, geodist()
, accepts
only one or two primary arguments, which must be rectangular objects
with unambiguously labelled longitude and latitude columns (that is,
some variant of lon
, or x
n <- 50
x <- cbind (-10 + 20 * runif (n), -10 + 20 * runif (n))
y <- cbind (-10 + 20 * runif (2 * n), -10 + 20 * runif (2 * n))
colnames (x) <- colnames (y) <- c ("x", "y")
d0 <- geodist (x) # A 50-by-50 matrix
d1 <- geodist (x, y) # A 50-by-100 matrix
d2 <- geodist (x, sequential = TRUE) # Vector of length 49
d2 <- geodist (x, sequential = TRUE, pad = TRUE) # Vector of length 50
You can install latest stable version of geodist
from CRAN with:
install.packages ("geodist") # current CRAN version
Alternatively, current development versions can be installed using any of the following options:
# install.packages("remotes")
remotes::install_git ("")
remotes::install_git ("")
remotes::install_bitbucket ("hypertidy/geodist")
remotes::install_gitlab ("hypertidy/geodist")
remotes::install_github ("hypertidy/geodist")
Then load with
library (geodist)
packageVersion ("geodist")
#> [1] ''
Input(s) to the geodist()
function can be in arbitrary rectangular
n <- 1e1
x <- tibble::tibble (
x = -180 + 360 * runif (n),
y = -90 + 180 * runif (n)
dim (geodist (x, measure = "haversine"))
#> [1] 10 10
y <- tibble::tibble (
x = -180 + 360 * runif (2 * n),
y = -90 + 180 * runif (2 * n)
dim (geodist (x, y, measure = "haversine"))
#> [1] 10 20
x <- cbind (
-180 + 360 * runif (n),
-90 + 100 * runif (n),
seq (n), runif (n)
colnames (x) <- c ("lon", "lat", "a", "b")
dim (geodist (x, measure = "haversine"))
#> [1] 10 10
All outputs are distances in metres, calculated with a variety of
spherical and elliptical distance measures. Distance measures currently
implemented are Haversine, Vincenty (spherical and elliptical)), the
very fast mapbox cheap
(see their blog
and the “reference” implementation of Karney
as implemented in the package
. (Note that geodist
not accept sf
-format objects;
the sf
package itself should
be used for that.) The mapbox cheap ruler
algorithm is intended to
provide approximate yet very fast distance calculations within small
areas (tens to a few hundred kilometres across).
The geodist_benchmark()
function - the only other function provided by
the geodist
package - compares the accuracy of the different metrics
to the nanometre-accuracy standard of Karney
geodist_benchmark (lat = 30, d = 1000)
#> haversine vincenty cheap
#> absolute 0.818681120 0.818681120 0.57910408
#> relative 0.002173428 0.002173428 0.00160801
All distances (d)
are in metres, and all measures are accurate to
within 1m over distances out to several km (at the chosen latitude of 30
degrees). The following plots compare the absolute and relative
accuracies of the different distance measures implemented here. The
mapbox cheap ruler algorithm is the most accurate for distances out to
around 100km, beyond which it becomes extremely inaccurate. Average
relative errors of Vincenty distances remain generally constant at
around 0.2%, while relative errors of cheap-ruler distances out to 100km
are around 0.16%.
The following code demonstrates the relative speed advantages of the
different distance measures implemented in the geodist
n <- 1e3
dx <- dy <- 0.01
x <- cbind (-100 + dx * runif (n), 20 + dy * runif (n))
y <- cbind (-100 + dx * runif (2 * n), 20 + dy * runif (2 * n))
colnames (x) <- colnames (y) <- c ("x", "y")
rbenchmark::benchmark (
replications = 10, order = "test",
d1 <- geodist (x, measure = "cheap"),
d2 <- geodist (x, measure = "haversine"),
d3 <- geodist (x, measure = "vincenty"),
d4 <- geodist (x, measure = "geodesic")
) [, 1:4]
#> test replications elapsed relative
#> 1 d1 <- geodist(x, measure = "cheap") 10 0.070 1.0
#> 2 d2 <- geodist(x, measure = "haversine") 10 0.133 1.9
#> 3 d3 <- geodist(x, measure = "vincenty") 10 0.224 3.2
#> 4 d4 <- geodist(x, measure = "geodesic") 10 2.856 40.8
Geodesic distance calculation is available in the sf
package. Comparing computation
speeds requires conversion of sets of numeric lon-lat points to sf
form with the following code:
x_to_sf <- function (x) {
sapply (seq_len (nrow (x)), function (i) {
sf::st_point (x [i, ]) |>
sf::st_sfc ()
}) |>
sf::st_sfc (crs = 4326)
Distances in sf
are by default calculated via
with alternative calculations using the same geodesic algorithm as here.
n <- 1e2
x <- cbind (-180 + 360 * runif (n), -90 + 180 * runif (n))
colnames (x) <- c ("x", "y")
xsf <- x_to_sf (x)
sf_dist <- function (xsf, s2 = TRUE) {
if (s2) {
sf::sf_use_s2 (TRUE) # s2::s2_distance()
} else {
sf::sf_use_s2 (FALSE) # Karney's geodesic algorithm
sf::st_distance (xsf, xsf)
geo_dist <- function (x) geodist (x, measure = "geodesic")
rbenchmark::benchmark (
replications = 10, order = "test",
sf_dist (xsf, s2 = TRUE),
sf_dist (xsf, s2 = FALSE),
geo_dist (x)
) [, 1:4]
#> Spherical geometry (s2) switched off
#> Linking to GEOS 3.13.0, GDAL 3.10.0, PROJ 9.5.0; sf_use_s2() is FALSE
#> Spherical geometry (s2) switched on
#> Spherical geometry (s2) switched off
#> test replications elapsed relative
#> 3 geo_dist(x) 10 0.062 1.000
#> 2 sf_dist(xsf, s2 = FALSE) 10 0.207 3.339
#> 1 sf_dist(xsf, s2 = TRUE) 10 0.146 2.355
The geosphere
also offers sequential calculation which is benchmarked with the
following code:
fgeodist <- function () geodist (x, measure = "vincenty", sequential = TRUE)
fgeosph <- function () geosphere::distVincentySphere (x)
rbenchmark::benchmark (
replications = 10, order = "test",
fgeodist (),
fgeosph ()
) [, 1:4]
#> test replications elapsed relative
#> 1 fgeodist() 10 0.017 1.000
#> 2 fgeosph() 10 0.037 2.176
is thus at least twice as fast as both sf
for highly
accurate geodesic distance calculations, and geosphere
for calculation
of sequential distances.
All contributions to this project are gratefully acknowledged using the allcontributors
package following the allcontributors specification. Contributions of any kind are welcome!
mpadge |
jlacko |
mdsumner |
daniellemccool |
kadyb |
olivroy |
edzer |
marcosci |
mem48 |
dcooley |
Robinlovelace |
espinielli |
Maschette |
njtierney |
mkuehn10 |
asardaes |