This project will show you how to create you infrastructure using Cloudformation and Kubernetes (EKS)
For deploy your infrastructure execute the next script inside cloudformation/ folder:
sh ./ CloudDevOpsCapstone network_and_eks.yml network_and_eks.json
Note: The creation of EKS cluster takes almost 10 minutes
After the EKS cluster creation is success you can add EKS context in your machine with next command:
aws --region us-west-2 eks update-kubeconfig --name BlueGreen-Prod
See nodes attached to your cluster with next command:
kubectl get nodes
Blue Green deployment configuration is setting in Kubernetes using HAProxy Ingress, Deployments and Services
Enter in the folder blue-green/
Install HAProxy Ingress Controller
kubectl apply -f 1_haproxy-ingress.hapee.yaml
Install deployment of app v1
kubectl apply -f 2_app-v1.yaml
Install deployment of app v2
kubectl apply -f 3_app-v2.yaml
Install blue service
kubectl apply -f 4_blue-service.yaml
Install green service
kubectl apply -f 5_green-service.yaml
Install ingress
kubectl apply -f 6_ingress.yaml
Expose ingress controller with a load balancer service
sh ./
Then you can know the EXTERNAL-IP and check the application deployed in your browser with the path
Remove the infrastructure:
sh ./ CloudDevOpsCapstone network_and_eks.yml network_and_eks.json
In order to do a blue-green deployments for future releases update the section to version in
files -
You can access to the
version by adding on the header request:Host: blue.deploy
This header will be processed by
which will be redirecting the request to blue service