- IPA.Loader 4.2.3 by nike4613/Arimodu
- FontNao-ru 0.1.4 by denpadokei (I consider this core because it fixes a problem with invalid characters with BSML)
- BeatLeader 0.9.20 by BeatLeader Team
- HitBloq 1.4.2 (Unofficial) by PixelBoom/SirSpam Here is the Fork
- ScoreSaber 3.3.11 by Umbranox
- LeaderboardCore 1.5.1 by PixelBoom/SirSpam
- BeatTogether 2.1.2 by BeatTogether Team
- Multiplayer+ (A Component of BeatSaberPlus) 6.3.0 by HardCPP
- MultiplayerCore 1.3.0 by Goobwabber
- ServerBrowser 1.2.0 by roydejong
- MultiplayerExtensions 1.0.4 by Goobwabber/ModdingPink
(Techinically these 3 mods conflict, however, they are included with the assumption that only one is being used for the sake of none being forgotten and the modpack being an easy one stop shop for all the mods you might ever think of.)
- EasyOffset 2.1.1 by Reezonate
- ControllerSettingsHelper 0.0.1 by Kinsi55
- SaberTailor 4.0.0 by Shadnix/rondDev
- BeatSaviorData 2.1.15 by Mystogan98
- Counters+ 2.3.3 by Caeden117
- HitScoreVisualizer 3.3.3 by Eris
- iForgor 1.3.1 by ckosmic
- PPPredictor 1.0.3 by No.1 Noob
- ScorePercentage 1.4.13 by IdleBob
- SliceDetails 1.3.2 by ckosmic
- BetterPause 1.0.3 by futuremapper
- ChatPlex SDK (BeatSaberPlus) 6.3.0 by HardCPP
- BeatSaverUpdater 1.1.0 by PixelBoom
- BetterSongList 0.3.4 by Kinsi55 (Original) / My Fork of it
- BetterSongSearch 0.7.84 by Kinsi55
- BookmarkViewer 1.1.0 by ModdingPink
- Camera2 0.6.108 by Kinsi55
- Clock and Volume 1.1.0 by iPixelGalaxy / Forked from Enhancements by Auros
- ImBlindedByTheLights 0.0.6 by Kinsi55
- MorePlaylists 2.0.0 by PixelBoom
- PlaylistManager 1.6.6 by PixelBoom
- PracticePlugin 6.1.5 by denpadokei
- SongPlayHistory 2.0.1 by qe201020335
- wipbot 1.14.0 by catsethecat
- EditorColonThree 1.0.0 by ModdingPink
- ExtraBSLSorters 2.0.1 by SuperSonic16
- FailButton 0.0.2 by Kinsi55 (Not on GitHub. "its like a 15 line plugin" -Kinsi55)
- FastFail 2.0.5 by PulseLane
- HitSoundTweaks 1.1.0 by GalaxyMaster
- OverrideEnviromentFix 1.1.1 by Ryan
- QuickMirrorToggle 0.0.1 by Kinsi55 (This is a mod I commissioned to quickly toggle the mirror shader)
- SearchFixes 1.0.0 by PixelBoom
- SmallMenu 1.2.0 by nicoco007
- SmoothedController 0.0.1 by Kinsi55
- SongRankedBadge 1.0.1 by qe201020335
- TakeMeToResults 1.1.0 by PixelBoom
- Tweaks55 0.3.8 by Kinsi55
- Unfunny 1.0.0 by Kaitlyn
- CustomJSONData 2.5.2 by Aeroluna
- Heck 1.5.0 by Aeroluna
- Chroma 2.8.0 by Aeroluna
- NoodleExtensions 1.6.0 by Aeroluna
- LookupID 1.0.3 by Aeroluna
- MappingExtensions 1.7.4 by Kyle1314
- Shaffuru 0.2.1 by Kinsi55
- MenuSaberColors 1.0.8 by Exomanz
- SaberFactory 2.5.4 by ToniMacoroni
- SoundReplacer 0.0.6 by SamuelTulach
- TrickSaber 1.1.3 by ToniMacaroni
- Vent 0.0.3 by Kinsi55
- FCPercentage 1.4.4 by ChirpyMisha
- BetterMissCounter 1.1.0 by CatseTheCat
- FPSCounter 3.1.0 by Eris
- PPCounter 2.0.1 by PulseLane
- Download BSLegacyLauncher by RiskiVR The latest version can be found here
- Extract and place the Launcher in the root of one of your drives. e.g. You should end up with something like C:\BSLegacyLauncher (I suggest you put it on SSD for best Loading Times/Performance).
- Create a Shortcut to the launcher, then Right Click the shortcut and click Properties. Add --pixel after the quotation marks on the highlighted line when you click Properties. (With BSLegacy 1.7.0 there is now also a flag to prevent your Plugins folder from ever being renamed that I would suggest adding "--no-yeet".) As Such:
- Use this shortcut to launch the launcher as it will add the one click button for mods in Advanced Settings (you can copy it to your desktop or drag it to your taskbar).
- Download a copy of Beat Saber (whatever the latest version of the pack is available).
- After it's done downloading, hit back, then hit Advanced Settings.
- Click "BSIPA 4".
- Click "Pixel's Modpack" and wait for a few seconds while it downloads and installs it to your game.
- Done! I would suggest looking at the Optional Steps for Quality of Life below if you want to utilize the full power of the launcher to save space and make updating extremely easy.
- After you've installed everything, you can click "Shared Folders" and select CustomLevels, CustomWIPLevels (and DLC if you have any and want to move it over from your existing install). Click Create Folders.
- Next comes the tedious part (one time setup tho), you can type in every other folder you would want to link. My suggestions are UserData, CustomSabers, Playlists, CustomSubRain and CustomMenuSongs if you only plan to use the mods included in the modpack.
- Type each name (one at a time) and click Create Folders.
- After this is done, any new versions you download, you'll be able to click "Relink Folders" and every folder name you've entered before will be made automatically.
- All of your Beat Saber folders will then be shared across versions!
- Download the Latest Version of Beat Saber.
- Install BSIPA 4 in Advanced Settings.
- Relink Folders.
- Hit the "Pixel's Mods" button in advanced settings.
- Enjoy game 🙂
BSLegacy Utility Support Discord can be found here Don't go there for support with the modpack tho, come to my discord server here and if it's something that's a launcher issue I will forward it to Riski!
I also want to say a great thanks to Riski for integrating my modpack as a one click install button into the launcher even tho it's for such a small group of people! 😀