- Download and install BSManager here.
- Once setup download the version you wish to mod. (At the time of writing I suggest 1.39.1)
- Click the "Mods" tab in BSManager and Install the "JDFixer" and "DiTails" mods as those are not included at the request of modders, this will also grab every dependency not included in the modpack.
- Launch the game once, before installing the modpack. (This ensures that all mods are moved from IPA/Pending), alternatively, move them manually.
- Close the game and click the settings gear in BSManager and click "Open Folder".
- Drag and drop the folders provided in BeatSaberModpack.zip and click "Replace the files in the destination".
- You should be good to go now!
For support with the modpack join my discord here!
- After you've installed everything, you can click Settings -> "Shared Folders" and link any folders you wish to share across game versions. Simply Click "Add Folder" and select the folder you wish to add.
- Repeat this for every folder you wish to link. My suggestions are UserData, CustomSabers, Playlists, CustomSubRain and CustomMenuSongs if you only plan to use the mods included in the modpack.
- After this is done, any new versions you download, you'll be able to click "Link all" and every folder you've linked will be made automatically.
- All of your Beat Saber folders will then be shared across versions!
- No More Game Auto Updates
- Much More Storage Efficient
- Much Easier to Update
- Many Less Points of Failure
- ModAssistant Built In
- Mods Stay more Updated compared to ModAssistant (this was true at a specific time, things may be changing)
- Some Mods Included cannot be found on ModAssistant
- You Don't Have to remember Mods when updating between game versions as they are all included!
- Download Latest Modpack Release 1.39.1
- Open Mod Assistant and Install the "JDFixer" and "DiTails" mods as those are not included at the request of modders, this will also grab every dependency not included in the modpack.
- Extract the contents of BeatSaberModpack.zip to the root of your Beat Saber Install typically C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber. And click "Replace the files in the destination"
- You should be done. Enjoy! And if you have any issues let me know in my discord server and I'll try my best to sort out your problems 😀
Link to Latest Version of the Pack for 1.29.1
Credits for mods for 1.29.1 can be found here
✅ = Compatible ❌ = Not Updated/Incompatible
- BeatLeader 0.9.28 by BeatLeader Team ✅
- HitBloq 1.4.3 (UI mod) by PixelBoom/SirSpam Here is the UI Mod Fork ✅
- ScoreSaber 3.3.15 by Umbranox ✅
- LeaderboardCore 1.7.0 by PixelBoom/SirSpam ✅
- Multiplayer+ (A Component of BeatSaberPlus) 6.3.1 by HardCPP ✅
- BeatTogether 2.2.1 by BeatTogether Team ✅
- MultiplayerCore 1.5.4 by Goobwabber ✅
- BeatSaviorData 2.1.16 by Mystogan98 ✅
- Counters+ 2.3.10 by Caeden117/NuggoDEV ✅
- EasyOffset 2.1.14 by Reezonate ✅
- HitScoreVisualizer 3.5.2 by Eris/qqrz997 ✅
- iForgor 1.4.1 by ckosmic ✅
- PPPredictor 1.1.0 by No.1 Noob ✅
- SliceDetails 1.3.3 by ckosmic ✅
- ChatPlex SDK (BeatSaberPlus) 6.3.2 by HardCPP ✅
- BeatSaverUpdater 1.2.4 by PixelBoom/ibillingsley ✅
- BetterPause 1.1.2 by futuremapper ✅
- BetterSongList 0.4.0 by Kinsi55 (Original) ✅ / My Fork of it ✅
- BetterSongSearch 0.8.1 by Kinsi55 ✅
- Camera2 0.6.116 by Kinsi55 ✅
- Clock and Volume 1.1.3 by iPixelGalaxy ✅/ Forked from Enhancements by Auros
- ImBlindedByTheLights 0.0.7 by Kinsi55 ✅
- MorePlaylists 2.0.0 by PixelBoom ❌
- PlaylistManager 1.7.3 by PixelBoom/nicoco007 ✅
- PracticePlugin 9.0.0 by denpadokei ✅
- SongPlayHistory 2.2.1 by qe201020335 ✅
- wipbot 1.17.0 by catsethecat ✅
- FailButton 0.0.4 by Kinsi55/qe201020335 ✅
- HitSoundTweaks 1.1.7 by GalaxyMaster ✅
- KeepMyOverridesPls 1.1.2 by qqrz997 ✅
- QuickMirrorToggle 1.0.2 by Kinsi55/Arimodu ✅
- SmallMenu 1.2.1 by nicoco007 ✅
- SmoothedController 0.0.4 by Kinsi55 ✅
- SongRankedBadge 1.0.4 by qe201020335 ✅
- TakeMeToResults 1.1.1 by PixelBoom ✅
- Tweaks55 0.3.14 by Kinsi55 ✅
- Unfunny 1.0.0 by Kaitlyn ✅
- CustomJSONData 2.6.6 by Aeroluna ✅
- Heck 1.7.2 by Aeroluna ✅
- Chroma 2.9.12 by Aeroluna ✅
- NoodleExtensions 1.7.8 by Aeroluna ✅
- LookupID 1.0.1 by Aeroluna ✅
- MappingExtensions 1.7.5 by Kyle1314 ✅
- MenuSaberColors 1.0.10 by Exomanz/qqrz997 ✅
- AssetBundleLoadingTools 1.1.9 by nicoco07 ✅
- CustomSabersLite 0.12.4 by qqrz997 ✅
- SoundReplacer 1.0.0 by SamuelTulach/Meivyn ✅
- TrickSaber 1.1.3 by ToniMacaroni/qqrz997 ✅
- FCPercentage 1.4.9 by ChirpyMisha/Loloppe ✅
- BetterMissCounter 1.1.1 by CatseTheCat ✅
- PPCounter 2.0.2 by PulseLane/Loloppe ✅