✅ = Compatible ❌ = Not Updated/Incompatible
- BeatLeader 0.9.27 by BeatLeader Team ✅
- HitBloq 1.4.2 (Unofficial) by PixelBoom/SirSpam Here is the Fork ✅
- ScoreSaber 3.3.15 by Umbranox ✅
- LeaderboardCore 1.7.0 by PixelBoom/SirSpam ✅
Note: Will probably remove BeatTogether stuff as there is no reason to delay a release for those, might readd later, but I did like having both so I could include both developers efforts.
- Multiplayer+ (A Component of BeatSaberPlus) 6.3.1 by HardCPP ✅
- BeatTogether 2.2.1 by BeatTogether Team ✅
- MultiplayerCore 1.5.4 by Goobwabber ✅
- ServerBrowser 1.2.0 by roydejong ❌
- MultiplayerExtensions 1.0.4 by Goobwabber/ModdingPink ❌
- BeatSaviorData 2.1.16 by Mystogan98 ✅
- Counters+ 2.3.10 by Caeden117/NuggoDEV ✅
- EasyOffset 2.1.14 by Reezonate ✅
- HitScoreVisualizer 3.5.0 by Eris/qqrz997 ✅
- iForgor 1.4.1 by ckosmic ✅
- PPPredictor 1.1.0 by No.1 Noob ✅
- ScorePercentage 1.4.15 by IdleBob ✅
- SliceDetails 1.3.3 by ckosmic ✅
- ChatPlex SDK (BeatSaberPlus) 6.3.0 by HardCPP ✅
- BeatSaverUpdater 1.2.4 by PixelBoom/ibillingsley ✅
- BetterPause 1.1.2 by futuremapper ✅
- BetterSongList 0.4.0 by Kinsi55 (Original) ✅ / My Fork of it ✅
- BetterSongSearch 0.7.87 by Kinsi55 ✅
- Camera2 0.6.116 by Kinsi55 ✅
- Clock and Volume 1.1.3 by iPixelGalaxy ✅/ Forked from Enhancements by Auros
- ImBlindedByTheLights 0.0.7 by Kinsi55 ✅
- MorePlaylists 2.0.0 by PixelBoom ❌
- PlaylistManager 1.7.3 by PixelBoom/nicoco007 ✅
- PracticePlugin 9.0.0 by denpadokei ✅
- SongPlayHistory 2.1.6 by qe201020335 ✅
- wipbot 1.16.0 by catsethecat ❌
- FailButton 0.0.4 by Kinsi55/qe201020335 ✅
- FastFail 2.0.5 by PulseLane ❌
- HitSoundTweaks 1.1.7 by GalaxyMaster ✅
- KeepMyOverridesPls 1.1.2 by qqrz997 ✅
- QuickMirrorToggle 0.0.2 by Kinsi55/Arimodu (Commissioned Mod) ❌
- SmallMenu 1.2.0 by nicoco007 ✅
- SmoothedController 0.0.4 by Kinsi55 ✅
- SongRankedBadge 1.0.4 by qe201020335 ✅
- TakeMeToResults 1.1.1 by PixelBoom ✅
- Tweaks55 0.3.14 by Kinsi55 ✅
- Unfunny 1.0.0 by Kaitlyn ✅
- CustomJSONData 2.6.6 by Aeroluna ✅
- Heck 1.7.0 by Aeroluna ✅
- Chroma 2.9.10 by Aeroluna ✅
- NoodleExtensions 1.7.7 by Aeroluna ✅
- LookupID 1.0.1 by Aeroluna ✅
- MappingExtensions 1.7.5 by Kyle1314 ✅
- MenuSaberColors 1.0.10 by Exomanz/qqrz997 ✅
- AssetBundleLoadingTools 1.1.7 by nicoco07 ✅
- CustomSabersLite 0.12.4 by qqrz997 ✅
- SoundReplacer 1.0.0 by SamuelTulach/Meivyn ✅
- TrickSaber 1.1.3 by ToniMacaroni/qqrz997 ✅
- FCPercentage 1.4.4 by ChirpyMisha/Loloppe ✅
- BetterMissCounter 1.1.1 by CatseTheCat ✅
- PPCounter 2.0.2 by PulseLane/Loloppe ✅