PHP script that scans local network devices and saves them on Firebase Realtime Database
New devices are registered and you can set a timeout to delete old devices. Device can also be marked as "persistent" in order to not be deleted
There is a POC about how to use generated data :
Clone this repository
$ git clone
Install composer dependencies
$ composer install
There is a .env file where you can set some parameters. Firstly copy or rename the .env.example file
$ cp .env.example .env
The avalaible parameters are:
-DELETE_INACTIVE_DEVICES (boolean): delete devices after a time
-DELETE_INACTIVE_DEVICES_AFTER (string): relative time. Example: 5 minutes, 1 hour, 2 days
-INTERFACE: network interface. Example: eth0, wlan0
-ARP_SCAN_PATH: absolute path for arp-scan binary (cron needs that that path is absolute)
-NOTIFY_NEW_DEVICE (boolean): send push notification to deviceNew topic
-NOTIFY_DELETE_DEVICE (boolean): send push notification to deviceDelete topic
You also need to start a Firebase project and download the google-services-account.json
Directions are avalaible here:
Once you have created the project, you should put the google-service-account.json file in the project's root path
Update rules:
"rules": {
".read": true,
".write": true,
"devices": {
".indexOn": ["mac", "timestamp"]
You must launch this script as a regular user using sudo
$ sudo php daemon.php
or you can set a cron task using root user
* * * * * php /path/to/script/daemon.php