Laravel Otp is designed to generate and verify otp being sent to users
You can install the package via composer:
composer require ibrahem-kamal/laravel-otp
You can publish and run the migrations with:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="laravel-otp-migrations"
php artisan migrate
You can publish the config file with:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="laravel-otp-config"
This is the contents of the published config file:
return [
'services' => [
'default' => [
'expires_in' => 5, // in minutes
'otp_generator_options' => [
'length' => 4, // no of digits
'numbers' => true,
'letters' => false,
'symbols' => false,
'validate_uniqueness_after_generation' => true,
'delete_after_verification' => false,
'fallback_options' => [
'otp_generator_options' => [
'length' => 4, // no of digits
'numbers' => true,
'letters' => false,
'symbols' => false,
'validate_uniqueness_after_generation' => true, // whether to validate the uniqueness of the otp after generation by checking the database
'delete_after_verification' => false, // whether to delete the otp after verification
You can add as many services as you want, and you can use the fallback options to set the default options for the otp generation and verification
- First you need to prepare your model by implementing the
Interface and using theInteractsWithOtp
class User extends Authenticatable implements HasOtp
use InteractsWithOtp;
If you dont have
column in your model, you can override thegetPhoneNumber
method to return the user phone number like this
public function getPhoneNumber(): string
return $this->mobile_number;
- Then you can use the
to generate otp
$user->otp()->generate() // returns OtpCode Model instance
// you can also pass the service name to generate otp for a specific service or modify the options
->setService('other service')
length: 6,
letters: false,
numbers: true,
symbols: false
)->generate() // returns OtpCode Model instance
- You can verify the otp using the
$otp = $user->otp()->verifyOtp('1234') // returns ServiceResponse instance
$otp->isSuccess(); //bool
$otp->getErrorsString(); // errors as string
$otp->getErrors(); // errors as array
$otp->getData(); // OtpCode Model instance when success
$otp->toArray(); // array of all the above
composer test
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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.