./compress.sh ./dataset/scene videoQualityParameter jpegQualityThreshold outputPath
Tests the dof compression differences.
./compressSplit.sh ./dataset/scene
Creates and tests the split vs full compression. Discontinued.
./blendViews.sh inputViewsPath outputViewsPath
Blends the views as in the display and produces the output in a directory.
./cameraControl.sh shoot
Controls the camera remotely.
./compareAllPhotos.sh inputPath
Compares the captured photos by the camera, expects the first 7 files to be the distorted, 8th the reference, and 9th the xmp Darktable config file.
./comparePhotos.sh firstFile secondFile xmpFile
Compares the captured photo pair.
./dof.sh dataset/scene
Creates the dof views into the ./fullDof folder.
./measureAllDataset.sh dataset/scene
Measures the compression efficiency for the scenes.
./measureMetrics.sh dataset/scene/full outputReport outputReportBlended decompressedViewsDir
Measures the compression for one scene.
./measureQuality.sh firstFile secondFile
Computes the quality metrics for the distorted and reference file.
./testingOnDisplay.sh dataset/scene/decompressed
Iterates over decompressed views, tests them on the display and produces the photos.
./generateAllCompressedQuilts.sh ./dataset/ ./decompressedQuilts/
Creates quilts from all decompressed images
./perceptualMeasurement.sh ./decompressedQuilts/ ./dirWithFilesOnTheDisplay
Runs the user study with random order of the quilts and updating the files on the display. The directoru with the files will contain two images which the user can view and change in any image viewer.
./measureSSIMNative.sh ./decompressedQuilts/ ./report.csv
Measures the quality of the decompressed quilts in the LKG native format.
./saliencyFocus.sh ./dataset/scene/full
Estimates the focusing depth using saliency maps.
./getDepthLimits.sh ./dataset/scene/depth/xxx.hdr x,y
Gets maximal and minimal depth in a map and a depth at given coordinates.
./getDepthAt.sh ./dataset/scene/full x,y ./depths
Gets depth at the given coordinate from the merged depth maps of the dataset. The last parameter can be empty and the maps would be estimated.
Scenes in the dataset directory are generated by renderer.blend.
Testing quilt with view numbers can be generated using testQuiltGenerator.blend.
displaySimulator.blend is a simple simulator of a 3D display.
QuiltToNativeDisplaySimulatorKernel.cl is a kernel used to convert quilts to the display simulator using:
Can be run as:
cd quiltToNative/build
cp ../../QuiltToNativeDisplaySimulatorKernel.cl ./kernel.cl; ./QuiltToNative -i /dataset/ -o ./result -cols 8 -rows 6 -width 19200 -height 2560
displaySimulation.py is a script that can be run in Blender to produce synthetic simulated views.