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init commit from UWLCM plotting
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pdziekan committed Mar 24, 2020
0 parents commit 5be7881
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Showing 50 changed files with 32,934 additions and 0 deletions.
75 changes: 75 additions & 0 deletions Energy_spectrum/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
# (C) Maciej Waruszewski

import h5py
import numpy as np
from sys import argv
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

#velocities = ["u", "v", "w"]
#velocities = ["u", "v", "w", "cloud_rw_mom3", "rv", "th", "RH", "aerosol_rw_mom3"]
#velocities = ["cloud_rw_mom3"]
velocities = ["w"]

time_start = int(argv[1])
time_end = int(argv[2])
outfreq = int(argv[3])
from_lvl = int(argv[4])
to_lvl = int(argv[5])

directories = argv[6:len(argv):2]
labels = argv[7:len(argv):2]
print directories, labels

# read in nx, ny, nz
for directory, lab in zip(directories, labels):
w3d = h5py.File(directory + "/timestep" + str(time_start).zfill(10) + ".h5", "r")["u"][:,:,:]
nx, ny, nz = w3d.shape
Exy_avg = {}
for vel in velocities:
Exy_avg[vel] = np.zeros(((nx+1)/2))

for t in range(time_start, time_end+1, outfreq):
filename = directory + "/timestep" + str(t).zfill(10) + ".h5"
print filename

for vel in velocities:

w3d = h5py.File(filename, "r")[vel][:,:,:] # * 4. / 3. * 3.1416 * 1e3

for lvl in range(from_lvl, to_lvl+1):
w2d = w3d[:, :, lvl]

wkx = 1.0 / np.sqrt(nx - 1) * np.fft.rfft(w2d, axis = 0)
wky = 1.0 / np.sqrt(ny - 1) * np.fft.rfft(w2d, axis = 1)

#Ex = 0.5 * (np.abs(wkx) ** 2)
Ex = (np.abs(wkx) ** 2)
Ex = np.mean(Ex, axis = 1)
#Ey = 0.5 * (np.abs(wky) ** 2)
Ey = (np.abs(wky) ** 2)
Ey = np.mean(Ey, axis = 0)

Exy = 0.5 * (Ex + Ey)
Exy_avg[vel] += Exy

K = np.fft.rfftfreq(nx - 1)
# plt.loglog(K, Exy)
lmbd = 50. / K # assume dx=50m

if (t == time_start and lab==labels[0]):
plt.loglog(lmbd, 2e-1* K**(-5./3.) )

for vel in velocities:
Exy_avg[vel] /= (time_end - time_start) / outfreq + 1
Exy_avg[vel] /= to_lvl+1 - from_lvl
#crudely scale
# Exy_avg[vel] /= Exy_avg[vel][len(Exy_avg[vel])-1]
plt.loglog(lmbd, Exy_avg[vel] , linewidth=2, label=lab+"_"+vel)

plt.grid(True, which='both', linestyle='--')
plt.title("Mean PSD of w 322m<z<642m @3h")
46 changes: 46 additions & 0 deletions Energy_spectrum/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
# (C) Maciej Waruszewski

import h5py
import numpy as np
from sys import argv
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

N = 65

h = h5py.File(argv[1], "r")

NN = N / 2 + 1

u = h["u"][0:N,0:N,0:N]
v = h["v"][0:N,0:N,0:N]
w = h["w"][0:N,0:N,0:N]

o = N * np.fft.fftfreq(N)

dk = 2.0
dkh = dk / 2

K = N * np.fft.rfftfreq(N)
print K
E = np.zeros(len(K))

uk = np.fft.fftn(u) / N ** 3
vk = np.fft.fftn(v) / N ** 3
wk = np.fft.fftn(w) / N ** 3

for i in xrange(N):
for j in xrange(N):
for k in xrange(N):
q = np.sqrt(o[i] ** 2 + o[j] ** 2 + o[k] ** 2)
for ix in xrange(len(K)):
if abs(K[ix] - q) < 0.5:
e = abs(uk[i,j,k]) ** 2 + abs(vk[i,j,k]) ** 2 + abs(wk[i,j,k]) ** 2
E[ix] += 0.5 * e

K = K[2:]
E = E[2:]

plt.loglog(K, E, 'k-', lw = 2)
45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions Matplotlib_common/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
var_labels = {
"lwp" : 'LWP [g m$^{-2}$]',
"rwp" : 'RWP [g m$^{-2}$]',
"surf_precip" : 'Surface precip. [mm/day]',
"acc_precip" : 'Accumulated precip. [mm]',
"cl_nc" : '$N_c$ [cm$^{-3}$] (cloudy cells)',
"cl_nr" : '$N_{r>25\mu m}$ [cm$^{-3}$]',
"cl_gccn_conc" : '$N_{GCCN}$ [cm$^{-3}$] (cloudy cells)',
"thl" : r'$\theta_l$ [K]',
"00rtot" : '$q_{t}$ [g/kg]',
"rliq" : '$q_{l}$ [g/kg]',
"clfrac" : 'Cloud fraction',
"prflux" : 'Precip. flux [W m$^{-2}$]',
"wvar" : r'Var$\left(w\right)$ [m$^2$ s$^{-2}$]',
"w3rd" : 'Third mom. of $w$ [m$^3$ s$^{-3}$]',
"sat_RH" : 'Supersaturation [\%]',
"rad_flx" : 'radiative flux [W m$^{-2}$]',
"cl_nc_zoom" : '$N_c$ [cm$^{-3}$]',
"base_prflux_vs_clhght" : 'pr. flux at column base [W m$^{-2}$]',
"base_prflux_vs_clhght number of occurances" : 'number of occurances',
"er" : 'Entrainment rate [cm s$^{-1}$]',
"wvarmax" : 'Max. $w$ variance [m$^{2}$ s$^{-2}$]',
"cloud_base" : 'Cloud base height [m]',
"gccn_rw_cl" : '$<r>$ of GCCN droplets (cloudy cells) [um]',
"non_gccn_rw_cl" : '$<r>$ of CCN droplets (cloudy cells) [um]',
"clb_bigrain_mean_rd" : '$<r_d>$ of (r$>$40um) @ clbase [m]',
"clb_bigrain_mean_kappa" : '$\kappa$ of (r$>$40um) @ clbase',
"clb_bigrain_mean_conc" : 'conc. of (r$>$40um) @ clbase [1/cc]',
"clb_bigrain_mean_inclt" : 'time since act. of (r$>$40um) @ clbase [s]',
"clb_bigrain_mean_gccn_fraction" : 'frac. of (r$>$40um) on gccn @ clbase'

labeldict = {
0 : "(a)",
1 : "(b)",
2 : "(c)",
3 : "(d)",
4 : "(e)",
5 : "(f)",
6 : "(g)",
7 : "(h)",
8 : "(i)",
9 : "(j)"
44 changes: 44 additions & 0 deletions Matplotlib_common/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
import numpy as np
from sys import argv

from latex_labels import var_labels
from read_UWLCM_arrays import *

def plot_profiles(var_list, plot_iter, nplotx, nploty, axarr, xscaledict, yscaledict, xlimdict, ylimdict, suffix='', ylabel='', file_names=[], file_labels=[]):
# if file names are not defined, read them and labels from command line
if len(file_names)==0:
file_no = np.arange(1, len(argv)-1 , 2)
print file_no
for no in file_no:

for var in var_list:
label_counter = 0
for file_name in file_names:
print file_name
# try:
profiles_file = open(file_name, "r")
my_pos = read_my_var(profiles_file, "position")
my_res = read_my_var(profiles_file, var)

# remove artificial values of cloudy-cell variables near the surface due to incorrect cloudiness mask (e.g. RICO mask used in DYCOMS)
if(var == "gccn_rw_cl" or var == "non_gccn_rw_cl" or var == "cl_nc"):
my_res[0:10] = 0

linestyles = ['--', '-.', ':']
dashList = [(3,1),(1,1),(4,1,1,1),(4,2)]

if(var == "base_prflux_vs_clhght" or var == "base_prflux_vs_clhght number of occurances"):
plot_my_array(axarr, plot_iter, my_res, my_pos, nploty, xlabel=var_labels[var], ylabel="cloudy column height [m]", varlabel=file_labels[label_counter], dashes = dashList[label_counter % len(dashList)], xscale=xscaledict[var], yscale=yscaledict[var], xlim=xlimdict[var], ylim=ylimdict[var])
plot_my_array(axarr, plot_iter, my_res, my_pos, nploty, xlabel=var_labels[var], ylabel=ylabel, varlabel=file_labels[label_counter], dashes = dashList[label_counter % len(dashList)], xscale=xscaledict[var], yscale=yscaledict[var], xlim=xlimdict[var], ylim=ylimdict[var])
# except:
# print 'error opening file: ', file_name
# my_pos = 0
# my_res = 0
label_counter = label_counter+1
plot_iter += 1
return plot_iter

33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions Matplotlib_common/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
import numpy as np
from sys import argv

from latex_labels import var_labels
from read_UWLCM_arrays import *

def plot_series(var_list, plot_iter, nplotx, nploty, axarr, xscaledict, yscaledict, xlimdict, ylimdict, show_bin=False, suffix='', xlabel='', ylabeldict=var_labels, file_names=[], file_labels=[]):
# if file names are not defined, read them and labels from command line
if len(file_names)==0:
file_no = np.arange(1, len(argv)-1 , 2)
for no in file_no:
file_names.append(argv[no] + suffix)

for var in var_list:
for file_name in file_names:
print file_name, var
series_file = open(file_name, "r")
my_times = read_my_var(series_file, "position")
my_res = read_my_var(series_file, var)

# rescale time to hours
my_times = my_times / 3600.


linestyles = ['--', '-.', ':']
dashList = [(3,1),(1,1),(4,1,1,1),(4,2)]
plot_my_array(axarr, plot_iter, my_times, my_res, nploty, xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabeldict[var], varlabel=file_labels[label_counter], dashes = dashList[label_counter % len(dashList)], xscale=xscaledict[var], yscale=yscaledict[var], xlim=xlimdict[var], ylim=ylimdict[var])
plot_iter = plot_iter + 1
return plot_iter
54 changes: 54 additions & 0 deletions Matplotlib_common/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
import numpy as np

def read_my_array(file_obj):
arr_name = file_obj.readline()
file_obj.readline() # discarded line with size of the array
line = file_obj.readline()
line = line.split(" ")
del line[0]
del line[len(line)-1]
arr = map(float,line)
return np.array(arr), arr_name

def read_my_var(file_obj, var_name):
while True:
arr, name = read_my_array(file_obj)
if(str(name).strip() == str(var_name).strip()):
return arr

#def plot_my_array(axarr, plot_iter, time, val, nploty, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, varlabel=None , linestyle='--', dashes=(5,2), xlim=None, ylim=None, xscale="linear", yscale="linear"):
# x = int(plot_iter / nploty)
# y = plot_iter % nploty
# if varlabel != None:
# axarr[x, y].plot(time, val, label=varlabel, linestyle=linestyle, linewidth=1, dashes=dashes)
# else:
# axarr[x, y].plot(time, val, linestyle=linestyle, linewidth=1, dashes=dashes)
# if xlabel:
# axarr[x, y].set_xlabel(xlabel)
# if ylabel:
# axarr[x, y].set_ylabel(ylabel)
# if xlim:
# axarr[x, y].set_xlim(xlim)
# if ylim:
# axarr[x, y].set_ylim(ylim)
# axarr[x, y].set_xscale(xscale)
# axarr[x, y].set_yscale(yscale)

def plot_my_array(axarr, plot_iter, time, val, nploty, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, varlabel=None , linestyle='--', dashes=(5,2), xlim=None, ylim=None, xscale="linear", yscale="linear"):
axflat = axarr.flatten() # flattening makes it work with 1d axarr
if varlabel != None:
axflat[plot_iter].plot(time, val, label=varlabel, linestyle=linestyle, linewidth=1, dashes=dashes)
axflat[plot_iter].plot(time, val, linestyle=linestyle, linewidth=1, dashes=dashes)
if xlabel:
if ylabel:
if xlim:
if ylim:

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