Galaxy-tabline is a fully-featured neovim status line that integrates a tabline [into the status line!].
It also supports a number of other features such as coc.nvim
Note: the tabline feature is currently broken on the nighly neovim build -- reason is yet to be determined.
Have you ever taken a good look at your vim
set up and realize that the status line leave a lot of unused space, especially in the statusline area?
For example, look at this statusline example in the galaxyline repo:
That's a lot of wasted valuable vertical screen real estate. Why not put something useful in that space?
Such as, for example, tabs?
This now frees up a ton of space in the actual tabline area for displaying more information such as buffers without it getting absurdly crowded.
- Clone the repo
- Put it in your
folder or wherever you want it to be. source
it in yourinit.vim
file, i.e.lua require('galaxyline_config')
This plugin requires
> 0.5 and galaxyline.nvim
Depending on your folder structure you may want to moveutils/galaxyline_utils.lua
around and change the correspondingrequire